Last updated: 1/5/2017
Motion In Dissolution Of Marriage With Children {Form 222}
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Rule 17.200--Form 222: Motion in a Dissolution of Marriage with Children Use this form if you want to ask the court to do something after your court case has already started. If you do not understand how to use this form, or if you should use this form, talk to an attorney. In the Iowa District Court for County where your case is filed County Upon the Petition of Equity case no. Petitioner Full name: first, middle, last Motion in a Dissolution of Marriage with Children and concerning Respondent I am Check one A. B. Full name: first, middle, last Petitioner Respondent 1. Request A. I ask the court to Check all that apply. If you check any box in A, you must tell the court why you are making this request in B. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) Change the hearing date that has been set for Month Award me temporary financial support. Order temporary custody and visitation. Order temporary child support and medical support. Order counseling (conciliation). Set a hearing date for a divorce Decree by default. Shorten the 90-day waiting period for getting a divorce Decree. Award me attorney's fees before the divorce is final. Award spousal support (alimony) to me before the divorce is final. Order genetic testing to decide paternity and require that Petitioner, Respondent, and child appear for testing. Appoint an attorney to represent the child (required when asking to disestablish paternity). Day , 20 Year . Continued on next page December 2013 Rule 17.200--Form 222 Page 1 of 3 American LegalNet, Inc. Rule 17.200--Form 222: Motion in a Dissolution of Marriage with Children, continued (12) Other request Explain B. I am making the request(s) in this Motion because: Continued on next page December 2013 Rule 17.200--Form 222 Page 2 of 3 American LegalNet, Inc. Rule 17.200--Form 222: Motion in a Dissolution of Marriage with Children, continued 2. Attorney Help Check one A. B. An attorney did not help me prepare or fill in this paper. An attorney helped me prepare or fill in this paper. If you check B, you must fill in the following information: Name of attorney or organization, if any Attorney's P.I.N. # Ask the attorney Business address of attorney or organization City State ZIP code ( ) ( ) Attorney's email address optional Attorney's phone number Attorney's fax number optional 3. Certification of Service by Mailing or Delivery Section 3 to be completed only if filing in paper or if the other party is exempt from electronic filing. This document, if filed electronically, will automatically be served on registered parties. I, Print your name , certify that on Month Day , 20 Year I mailed or gave a copy of this Motion to the other party or the other party's attorney at this address: Name of person to whom I delivered or mailed it Party's or attorney's mailing address City State ZIP code 4. Oath and Signature I, Print your name , certify under penalty of perjury and pursuant to the laws of the State of Iowa that I have read this Motion and that the information I have provided in this Motion is true and correct. I ask the court to grant this Motion. , 20 Signed on: Month Day Year Your signature* Mailing address City State ZIP code ( ) Email address Additional email address if available Phone number * Whether filing electronically or in paper, you must handwrite your signature on this form. If you are filing electronically, scan the form after signing it and then file electronically. December 2013 Rule 17.200--Form 222 Page 3 of 3 American LegalNet, Inc.