Order For Delivery Of Property | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Kansas

 Kansas   Statewide   Judicial Council   Ch 61 Replevin And Foreclosure 
Order For Delivery Of Property | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Kansas

Last updated: 3/2/2017

Order For Delivery Of Property

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(Revised 7/05) File Stamp Date Case Number ______ Prepared by: Filer's name, SC# Filer's address Filer's phone number {Filer's fax phone number} {Filer's e-mail address} Attorney for Plaintiff In The District Court of ______ County, Kansas Plaintiff's name vs. Case No. ______ Defendant's name Defendant's address Pursuant to Chapter 61 of Kansas Statutes Annotated ORDER FOR DELIVERY OF PROPERTY To the Sheriff or other Process Server: WHEREAS, the above-named plaintiff has commenced an action in this court against the above-named defendant for the recovery of certain personal property and has filed the plaintiff's affidavit and bond, as required by law, to obtain an order for the immediate delivery of such personal property; You are therefore commanded to take immediate possession of the following described personal property and deliver it to such plaintiff unless you receive a redelivery bond from the defendant. The property is described and valued as follows: (State description and value of each item claimed as alleged.) You shall also serve a copy of this order on the defendant in the same manner as the service of summons and make your return within ____ days hereof. __________________________________ Signature, Judge Dated ____________________ Defendant Plaintiff American LegalNet, Inc. www.USCourtForms.com RETURN ON ORDER (MANNER OF EXECUTION) On ________, ____, at ___ o'clock, __M., I received this order and executed the same as follows: (1) Property Taken Into Possession. On ________, ____, I took into possession the following articles of personal property, to wit: ______. (2) Property Delivered to Plaintiff. On ________, ____, I delivered the abovedescribed property to the plaintiff. (3) Redelivery Bond Received. On ________, _____, I received from the defendant, with ________ as sureties thereon, a bond in the amount of $______, double the amount of the alleged value of the articles taken, and I returned the above-described articles of personal property to the defendant. Such bond has been by me determined to be sufficient and is herewith filed with the court. (4) Property Not Found. I was unable to locate any of the articles of personal property described in the order within this county. (The officer should delete or omit those portions not applicable to the manner of executing of this order.) (MANNER OF SERVICE ON DEFENDANTS) I hereby certify that I served a copy of this order on the defendant at the time and in the manner following, to wit: ___. I was unable to locate the following defendant ________ within this county. _______________________________ Signature, Sheriff or Process Server Dated: ____________________ American LegalNet, Inc. www.USCourtForms.com

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