Last updated: 4/13/2015
Entry Of Appearance {1}
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Rule 1.301, Form No. 1 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) , Plaintiff/Appell_____, vs. , Defendant/Appell_____. No. ENTRY OF APPEARANCE The undersigned attorney(s) hereby appears as counsel for: ________________________________________________________________________ (Party or Parties) ___________________________________________________________ in the case(s). (Appellant/Petitioner or Appellee/Respondent) Name of Counsel, OBA No. Signature of Counsel Firm Designated Case Specific Email Address [if applicable*] Secondary Email Address [if applicable*] Mailing Address City, State, Zip Code Area Code, Telephone Number American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com CERTIFICATE OF MAILING TO PARTIES I certify that a true and correct copy of the Entry of Appearance was mailed this ____ day of __________, 20___, by depositing it in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid or by electronic mail to _______________________________________________________________________ (Name and Address and/or Email Address of Each Party or Counsel) *Note regarding email addresses: For electronic service in a particular case, Registered Users of the Oklahoma Unified Case Management System (OUCMS) must provide a Designated Case-Specific Email Address, as described in Rule 2, paragraph l of the Oklahoma Rules for E-Filing in Selected Pilot Courts (See Supreme Court Administrative Directive No. SCAD-2012-36, RE Rules for Electronic Filing in the Oklahoma Courts Selected as Pilot Courts, 2012 OK 61): 1. Email addresses: 1. "Designated Case-Specific Email Address" is the primary email address provided by the Registered User in a specific case or matter for E-Service in that specific case or matter. A Registered User must provide a Designated Case-Specific Email Address at the time the Registered User files his or her entry of appearance or other initial filing. A Designated Case-Specific Email Address must have the functionality required by the OUCMS, and E-Service shall originate from and be perfected to this email address. Once a Registered User provides a Designated Case-Specific Email Address in a specific case, that address shall serve as the "last known address" for purposes of service in that matter as required by any statute or court rule. 2. "Registration Email Address" means the email address provided by a Registered User during the registration process. The Registration Email Address shall be associated with the user's profile, and OUCMS will use these addresses for notifications related to E-Filing under that user's account regardless of the Designated Case-Specific Email Address on file in a specific case. "Secondary Email Address" means the email address or addresses provided by a Registered User in a particular case or matter, in addition to the Designated Case-Specific Email Address. If a Registered User designates a Secondary Email Address in a case, any E-Filer in that case shall also send electronic copies of Documents filed in that case to the Secondary Email Address. 3. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com