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Shared Split Or Mixed Custody Worksheet (Family Law) {CAO FL 1-12}
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S H A R E D, S P LI T , MI X E D C U S T O DY CHILD S U P P O R T W O R KS H EET C A O FL 1 - 1 2 07 / 0 1 / 20 17 PA G E 1 F ul l N a m e o f P a rty F il i n g D o c u ment M ailin g A dd r e s s (Str ee t o r P o s t O ff ic e B o x ) C i t y , St a te a n d Z i p C o de T elepho n e E mai l A dd r e s s ( i f an y ) I N T H E D I S T R I C T C O U R T F O R T H E J UD I C I A L D I S T R I C T F O R T H E S T A T E O F I D AH O , I N AN D F O R T H E C O UN T Y O F , P e t i t i one r , v s. , R esponden t . C ase N o. SHARED , SP L I T, O R M I X E D CUS T O DY W ORKSHEET B I RT H B I R T H B I R T H CH I L DRE N D A T E CH I L DRE N D A T E CHI L DRE N D A TE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Y O U R O T HE R N A M E : P A R E N T : C OM B I NE D 1. M O N T H LY I. C . S. G . I N C O M E (fr o m Af f ida v i t) $ $ $ 2. SHAR E O F I N C O M E F O R EAC H PAREN T ( lin e 1 f o r e a c h p a r en t di v i d e d b y C ombi n e d I nc o me) 3. BAS I C C O M B I NE D CH I LD SUPP O R T O B L I G A T IO N ( appl y l in e 1 C o m bi n e d to C hi l d S up p o rt S c he d ule) $ 4. EAC H PAREN T S CH I LD SUPP O R T O B L IG A T I O N ( lin e 2 m ul t ipl i e d b y l in e 3 f o r e ac h pa r e n t) $ $ 5. O B L I G A T I O N A L L O CA T ION ( lin e 4 di v i de d b y t h e n u m be r o f c h ild r en) $ $ American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com S H A R E D, S P LI T , MI X E D C U S T O DY CHILD S U P P O R T W O R KS H EET C A O FL 1 - 1 2 07 / 0 1 / 20 17 PA G E 2 6. A LL O CA T IO N T O CH I L D F o r e a c h s t a n da r d - c u s t od y c h i l d e n t er t h e a mo u n t fr o m l in e 5 . F o r e a c h s ha r e d o r s p li t - cu s t od y c hi l d M ul t ipl y l i n e 5 by 1 .5 a n d e n t e r i n t h e a p p r op r ia t e bo x . CH I LD 1 Y ou Ot h er P a r ent CH I LD 2 Y ou O t her P a r e n t CH I LD 3 Y ou Ot h er P a r ent CH I LD 4 Y ou O t her P a r e n t CH I LD 5 Y ou O t her P a r e n t $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 7. PR O P O R T I O NA L O B L I G A T I ON N umbe r o f o v e r n igh t s w i th o th e r pa r e nt D i v ide d b y 3 65 . I f . 7 5 , e n t e r 1 . If . 2 5 , en t e r 0 . (F o r e x amp le , i f c hi l d 1 li v e s w i th Y o u 40 % o f t h e t im e , goe s un d e O t he r P a r ent f o r chi l d 1 .) mea n s g r ea t e r t h a n o r eq u a l t o 8. PAREN T S O B L I G A T IO N Lin e 6 t i m e s l i n e 7 f o r ea c h c h i ld. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 9. EAC H PAREN T S T O T A L SUPP O R T ( total f r om a l l bo x e s ) Y ou $ Ot h e r P a r ent $ 10. REC O M M E N DE D BAS E SUPP O R T ( sub t r ac t t h e l e sse r a m oun t f r o m t h e g r e a t e r i n 9 and en t e r t h e d i ff e r en c e u n de r p a r en t w i th g r e a t e r o bl i ga t i on) $ $ O T HE R C O S T S TO B E C O NS I DERE D B Y T H E C O UR T: A . W o r k - r e l a t ed ch il dca r e e x penses ( + / - ) $ B . H ea l t h i nsu r ance p r e m i u m s ( + / - ) $ C . T o t a l T A X BE N E F I T f o r a ll e x e m p ti o n s d i v i d e d b y 12 M u lti p ly ben e f it b y % f o r ea ch pa re nt (+ / - to o f f - s e t an y e x c e ss be ne f it) $ T o t al A M O UN T TO B E O RDERE D $ C O M M E N T S , CA L CU L A T IO N S AND/ O R REB U T T A L S : . D a t e: T y ped / p r i n t ed Si g na t u r e American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com
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Petition To Modify An Order Judgment Or Decree (Department Of Health And Welfare)
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