Plea Form-Attachment One (Additional Charges) {CR-21} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

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Plea Form-Attachment One (Additional Charges) {CR-21} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

Plea Form-Attachment One (Additional Charges) {CR-21}

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CR-21 - PLEA FORM - ATTACHMENT ONE (ADDITIONAL CHARGES). This form is used in the Superior Court of California, County of Napa, to list additional charges when there isn't enough space on the main plea form. It details the charge number, legal statute, potential penalties (jail time and fines), and any other consequences. The defendant must sign the form to acknowledge understanding of the charges and penalties. If an interpreter is involved, they certify that the form was translated accurately. This form is typically used in criminal cases with multiple charges, enhancements, or probation violations.

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