Order Transferring Wireless Phone Account (Attachment) {OP2018-4} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Tennessee

 Tennessee   Statewide   Orders Of Protection 
Order Transferring Wireless Phone Account (Attachment) {OP2018-4} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Tennessee

Last updated: 5/20/2019

Order Transferring Wireless Phone Account (Attachment) {OP2018-4}

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1 2 3 Your name: ATTACHMENT TO ORDER TRANSFERRING WIRELESS PHONE ACCOUNT Confidential Information ATTENTION PROTECTED PERSON: This form should not be filed in the court file. If the judge ordered that a transfer of a wireless phone account from the restrained personinto your name, then: a) Complete this form b) Send this form and a copy of the Order Transferring Wireless Phone Account to the wireless service provider (service provider). To be completed by Protected Person: The service provider is (name of company): The current account holder (name of restrained person): The new account holder (your name): Your contact information (Only the service provider will use this information to contact you to set up your account): a. The best phone number to reach you at is (make sure it is not the phone number of the restrained person or a number on his/her account): b. Another phone number to reach you at is (make sure it is not the phone number of the restrained person or a number on his/her account): c. Your private e-mail address that the restrained person cannot use: d. Your mailing address that the restrained person cannot use or get to: SEND the Order Transferring Wireless Phone Account AND THIS FORM to the Wireless Carrier To find out where to send these forms, go to the Tennessee : https://tnbear.tn.gov/Ecommerce/FilingSearch.aspx and search for your service provider. The account(s) CANNOT be transferred to you if you do not send these forms to the service provider. 04/02/2019 Form #OP2018-4 State of Tennessee Court (Must Be Completed) County (Must Be Completed) ATTEN TION WIRELESS SERVICE PROVIDER Pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated 36 - 3 - 62 1 in #3 above is CONFIDENTIAL and must not be disclosed to the person listed in number 2 . DO NOT FILE THIS FORM IN THE COURT FILE Case Number: American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com

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