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Amended Annual Report (Domestic Limited Liability Partnership)
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AMENDED ANNUAL REPORT Enter Filing Year DOMESTIC LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP SDCL 48-7A-1003 Secretary of State Office 500 E Capitol Ave Pierre, SD 57501 (605) 773-4845 FILING FEE: $25 Make check payable to SECRETARY OF STATE 1. Business ID and Name: Business ID Business Name You may amend any of the information below. If you are not amending a section, please leave that section blank. 2. The address of the principal executive office (business address). Actual Street Address Mailing Address, if Different from Street Address Email Address (Optional) City City State State ZIP+4 ZIP+4 3. The names and business addresses of its partners. Partner Actual Street Address City State ZIP+4 Partner Actual Street Address City State ZIP+4 Partner Actual Street Address City State ZIP+4 4. Beneficial Interest (optional) Owner Description of Ownership Percentage/Value Owner Description of Ownership Percentage/Value No person may execute this report knowing it is false in any material respect. Any violation may be subject to a criminal penalty (SDCL 22-39-36). Dated Signature of an authorized person Email (Optional) Printed Name Title llpdomesticamendedannualreport Nov 2016 American LegalNet, Inc.