Cancellation Of Court Interpreter {9-111} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | New Mexico

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Cancellation Of Court Interpreter {9-111} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | New Mexico

Last updated: 9/13/2018

Cancellation Of Court Interpreter {9-111}

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9-111. Cancellation of court interpreter. [For use with District Court Rule 5-122, Magistrate Court Rule 6-115, Metropolitan Court Rule 7-114, Municipal Court Rule 8-113, and Evidence Rule 11-604 NMRA] STATE OF NEW MEXICO [COUNTY OF ][CITY OF ]IN THE COURT [STATE OF NEW MEXICO] [CITY OF ] v.No. , Defendant. CANCELLATION OF COURT INTERPRETERThe court interpreter previously requested is no longer needed. Please cancel the courtinterpreter scheduled for DATE: TIME: LOCATION: JUDGE: REQUESTED BY: Signature of party or party222s attorney [BELOW FOR CLERK222S USE ONLY] NAME OF INTERPRETER: DATE INTERPRETER CONTACTED FOR CANCELLATION: BY Deputy Clerk USE NOTEThe party requesting the interpreter is responsible for notifying the court clerk222s office if cancellationof the interpreter services is required. If the requesting party fails to do so in a timely manner, thatparty may be responsible for the fees and mileage expenses of the interpreter in accordance with theAdministrative Office of the Courts Court Interpreter Standards of Practice and Payment Policies.[Adopted by Supreme Court Order No. 12-8300-022, effective for all cases filed or pending on orafter January 1, 2013.] American LegalNet, Inc.

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