![Petition For Permission To Marry And Affidavit Of Consent {AOC-202} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Kentucky](http://fwfprod.s3.amazonaws.com/Kentucky/Jpeg/1%20Statewide/Civil/Petition%20For%20Permission%20To%20Marry%20And%20Affidavit%20Of%20Consent%20%7BAOC-202%7D_firstPage.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJKLRW4A3X2WJFD7Q&Expires=1740038741&Signature=LmumNCWVzS5Sn3tfiTbW7%2FR03o8%3D)
Last updated: 9/17/2018
Petition For Permission To Marry And Affidavit Of Consent {AOC-202}
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en-USIN RE , Petitioneren-USA Minor Child 17 Years of Age þ Comes the above-named Petitioner and moves the Court for permission to marry pursuant to KRS 402.205. I en-USn en-USen-USattached hereto on page 4, as required by KRS 402.205(1)(c), and further states as follows:en-US1. Name of Petitioner: en-USen-USGender: Age: Date of Birth: en-USCurrent Address: .en-USen-USen-US Yes en-USen-US Noen-USIf no, please list all previous addresses where Petitioner has resided for the past six (6) months and dates of residence en-USof same.en-US (Address) þ (Dates of Residence) en-US (Address) þ (Dates of Residence) en-US (Address) þ (Dates of Residence) en-US2. Name of intended spouse: en-USGender: Age: Date of Birth: en-USCurrent Address: .en-USen-USen-US Yesen-USen-US No If no, please list all previous addresses where intended spouse has resided for the past six (6) months and dates en-USof residence of same.en-US (Address) þ (Dates of Residence) en-US (Address) þ (Dates of Residence) en-US (Address) þ (Dates of Residence) en-US3. (a) Petitioner wishes to marry intended spouse for the following reason(s): en-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-US(c) Petitioner and intended spouse have known each other for years months. en-USAOC-202 Doc. Code: PPTMen-USRev. 7-18en-USPage 1 of 4en-USCommonwealth of Kentucken-USyen-USCourt of Justice en-USwww.courts.ky.goven-USKRS 402.205en-USPETITION FOR PERMISSION TO MARRY AND en-USAFFIDAVIT OF CONSENTen-US(17 Years of Age) lexet justitia COMMONWEALTHOFKENTUCKY COURTOFJUSTICE Case No. en-USCourt en-USen-US District en-USen-US Family en-USCounty en-USDivision en-USmonth/date/yearen-USmonth/date/yearen-US American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com en-USAOC-202en-USRev. 7-18en-USPage 2 of 4en-USen-USen-US Yes en-USen-US No If yes, please complete the following information:en-US Employer222s Name þ Occupation þ Date of Employment en-USPetitioner222s weekly earnings $ en-USen-USen-US Yes en-USen-US Noen-US If no, en-USplease en-USlist additional employment beloen-USw:en-US Employer222s Name þ Occupation þ Date of Employment en-US Employer222s Name þ Occupation þ Date of Employment en-US*Attach proof of employment such as income tax return(s), pay stub(s), or employer statement(s).en-US(b) Housing. Petitioner lives en-USen-US by herself/himself en-USen-US with parent(s)/guardian/legal custodian en-USen-US with intended spouseen-US en-USen-US with other (name and relationship to Petitioner) en-US*Attach proof of housing such as lease or rental agreement.en-US(c) Education. Petitioner has en-US(check one)en-US en-USen-US completed High School en-USen-US obtained a High School Equivalency Diplomaen-USen-USen-US en-US*en-USen-US(d) Other. Any other evidence that Petitioner wishes to submit to the Court of Petitioner222s maturity and capacity for selfen-US en-USen-US*Attach any proof.en-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-USen-US5. (a) Has Petitioner been a party to or otherwise involved in any domestic violencen-USe and abuse proceeding en-US(EPO/DVO)en-USen-USen-US Yes en-USen-US No If yes, provide copiesen-USof applicable orders.en-US(b) Has intended spouse been a party to or otherwise involved in any domestic violence anden-US abuse proceedingen-US en-US(EPO/DVO) en-USen-USen-US Yes en-USen-US No If yes, provide copien-USes en-USof applicable orders.en-US6. (a) Does Petitioner have a crimien-USen-USen-US Yes en-USen-US No If yes, provide a copy of any criminal records, including any records from out of stateen-US.en-USen-USen-US Yes en-USen-US No If yes, provide a copy of any criminal records, including any records from out of state. en-USen-USen-US Yes en-USen-US No If yes,en-USen-US7. (a) Is Petitioner or intended spouse currently pregen-USen-USen-US Yes en-USen-US Nen-USoen-USen-USen-US Yes en-USen-US No If yes, how many and when-USat are their en-USen-US American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com en-USAOC-202en-USRev. 7-18en-USPage 3 of 4en-USen-US(check all en-USthat apply)en-US: en-USen-US adoptive parenten-USen-US step-parent en-USen-US foster parent en-USen-US relative en-USen-US household member en-USen-US employer en-USen-USen-USin which Petitioner has participated en-USen-US athletic manager or coach of Petitioner's team en-USen-US principal, teacher, or other school en-USemployee en-USen-US counselor en-USen-US religious leader en-USen-US health-care provider en-USen-USen-UStreatment facility or a detention facilityen-USWHEREFORE, Petitioner requests that this Court grant Petitioner permission to marry intended spouse pursuant to KRS en-US402.205. , 2 þ en-US Date þ Petitioner222s Signature en-USEVIDENTIARY HEARINGen-USen-USedule en-UShearing for , 2 at en-USen-US a.m. en-USen-US p.m. þ þ Judge en-USNote:en-US File this Petition in the Family Court in the county where Petitioner resides, or the District Court in that county if a en-USfamily court division has not been established in that county. en-USen-US Petitioner OR Attorney for Petitioner, if anyen-USSubscribed and sworn to before me by this day of en-US, 2. þ þ Notary Public or Clerk/Deputy Clerk þ þ Title þ en-US My Commission expires: en-USAttorney222s Information (if represented by counsel) þ en-USNameen-US þ Telephone No. þ Address en-USen-USEmail Address American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com en-USSubscribed and sworn to before me by en-US this en-US day of , 2. þ þ Notary Public or Clerk/Deputy Clerk þ en-US þ Title en-USen-US My Commission expires: en-USAOC-202en-USRev. 7-18en-USPage 4 of 4en-USen-USen-US(choose only one)en-US:en-US1. en-USen-US I, , en-US(check one)en-US en-USen-US father en-USen-US mother of the Petitioneren-USen-US parents are not legally en-USseparated, en-USno legal guardian has been appointed for Petitioner, and no court order has been issued granting custody of Petitioner to a party other than en-USthe father or mother)en-US2. en-USen-US We, and , parents of the Petitioner en-USen-USparated, and a en-USen-US3. en-USen-US I, , surviving en-US(check one)en-US en-USen-US father en-USen-US mother of the Petitioner en-USen-USt en-USen-US4. en-USen-US I, , custodial parent en-US(check one)en-US en-USen-US father en-USen-US mother of the Petitioner en-USen-USavit if the parents are en-USdivorced or legally separated and joint custody of the Petitioner has not been ordered)en-US5. en-USen-US I, , guardian or legal custodian en-US(Another person having lawful custodial charge of the Petitioneren-US en-USen-USconsent to the marriage of to . Name of Petitioner þ Name of Intended Spouse en-US*Attach all applicable divorce, legal separation, or custody agreements or court orders. þ Date þ Signature of Parent þ Date þ Signature of other Parent, if paragraph 2 above is checked þ Date þ Signature of Guardian or Legal Custodian, if paragraph 5 above þ is checked en-US(print name)en-US(print name)en-US(print name)en-US(print name)en-US(print name)en-US(print name)en-USSubscribed and sworn to before me by en-US this en-US day of , 2. þ þ Notary Public or Clerk/Deputy Clerk þ en-US þ Title en-USen-US My Commission expires: American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com