Last updated: 11/7/2018
Ex Parte Order On Motion For Final Order Changing Parenting Plan {707}
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RCW 26.09.500 Mandatory Form ( 06/2018 ) FL Relocate 707 Ex Parte Order on Motion for Final Order Changing Parenting P lan Moving with Children (Relocation) p . 1 of 3 Superior Court of Washington, County of In re: Petitioner/s (as listed on the parenting/custody order) : And Respondent/s (as listed on the parenting/ custody order) : No. Ex Parte Order on Motion For Final Order Changing Parenting Plan Moving w ith Children (Relocation) ( ORMDPP , ORDYMT ) Ex Parte Order on Motion for Final Order Changing Parenting Plan Moving with Children (Relocation) 1. The Court has considered an Ex Parte Motion for Final Order Changing Parenting Plan No Objection to Moving with Children (Relocation). The Court Finds 2. Documents filed and served Did the moving parent file and properly serve a Notice of Intent to Move with Children and proposed Parenting Plan or Residential Schedule on everyone with a court order that gives them a legal right to spend time with the children? (Check one): Yes No 3. Objection status The court may grant this motion without notice to the other party/parties (ex parte) because (check one): Deadline passed No one with a legal right to spend time with the children filed an objection within 30 days of receiving the Notice of Intent to Move with Children and proposed Parenting Plan or Residential Schedule. Agreement (or no objection) Everyone with a legal right to spend time with the children: agrees to the move and the changes to the parenting/custody order, or American LegalNet, Inc. RCW 26.09.500 Mandatory Form ( 06/2018 ) FL Relocate 707 Ex Parte Order on Motion for Final Order Changing Parenting P lan Moving with Children (Relocation) p . 2 of 3 will not file an Objection about Moving with Children and Petition about Changing a Parenting/Custody Order (Relocation). The court may not grant this motion without notice to the other party/parties (ex parte) because: 4. Active duty military (The federal Servicemembers Civil Relief Act covers: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard members on active duty; National Guard or Reserve members under a call to active service for more than 30 days in a row; and commissioned corps of the Public Health Service and NOAA. The state ef Act covers those service members listed above who are either stationed in or residents of Washington state, and their dependents, except for the commissioned corps of the Public Health Service and NOAA.) The other party is not covered by the state or federal Service Members Civil Relief Act. The other party is covered by the state or federal Service Members Civil Relief Acts. S/he (check one): may be defaulted because: s/he is represented by a lawyer in this case, AND s/he has not filed an Objection, AND the court has not granted a stay (or any stay previously granted has ended). may not be defaulted at this time. The court signed the Order re Service Members Civil Relief Act (form FL All Family 170) filed separately. The court does not have enough information to find whether the other party is covered by the state or federal Service Members Civil Relief Acts. 5. Other findings, if any The Court Orders 6. The Ex Parte Motion for Final Order Changing Parenting Plan No Objection to Moving with Children is: approved. The children may move with (name): as requested. The court signed the final Parenting Plan or Residential Schedule filed separately today. This plan or schedule replaces all earlier parenting/custody orders. American LegalNet, Inc. RCW 26.09.500 Mandatory Form ( 06/2018 ) FL Relocate 707 Ex Parte Order on Motion for Final Order Changing Parenting P lan Moving with Children (Relocation) p . 3 of 3 denied. 7. Other orders, if any Ordered. Date Time Judge or Commissioner Presented by: Petitioner Respondent Sign here Print name (if lawyer, also list WSBA #) Date American LegalNet, Inc.