Last updated: 11/30/2018
Motion To Quash
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General Sessions Court Madison County Jackson, Tennessee M OTION TO Q UASH GARNISHMENT / EXECUTION AND CLAIM EXEMPTION RIGHTS page 1 of 1 Case Number vs. Legal Authority: TCA 24724726-2-101 226 26-2-410 Garnishee: Employer: Address: NOTICE OF HEARING: Pursuant to Tenn. Code Ann. 24726-2-410, a hearing (within 14 days of the filing of the Motion) is scheduled at The Judgment Debtor does request an Order to quash the execution or garnishment of the Judgment Debtor222s money / property / money of the Judgment Debtor be released or returned. As grounds for the release/return of the money/property, the Judgment Debtor would show that the property is exempt under federal or state law because it is one or more of the following: Social Security Benefits SSI (Supplemental Security Income) Benefits Unemployment Benefits TANF Benefits Veterans Benefits Unemployment Benefits Exempt Governmental Pension Exempt Health Care Aids Exempt Insurance Benefits Exempt 223Tools of Trade224 Wages Garnished Exceed Allowable Amounts Under Law Other 226 Specify: Judgment Debtor further states that the above money or property was garnished from the following bank (or other third party): Judgment Debtor222s Signature: Address Phone Issued: Clerk / Deputy Clerk OFFICER SERVICE: I (Judgment Debtor) hereby certify that a true and correct copy of this document has been mailed by first class mail, postage prepaid or personally delivered on: to: Date: By: Judgment Debtor signature American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com