Vehicle Code Section 23103(a)-Addendum Form-Pages 1 And 2 {CR-002} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

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Vehicle Code Section 23103(a)-Addendum Form-Pages 1 And 2 {CR-002} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

Last updated: 2/4/2019

Vehicle Code Section 23103(a)-Addendum Form-Pages 1 And 2 {CR-002}

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ADDENDUM TO MISDEMEANOR ADVISEMENT – WET RECKLESS (Vehicle Code section 23103(a)). This form is used in the Superior Court of California, County of Sonoma. This form is for defendants charged with a DUI violation (Vehicle Code § 23152) but who are being offered a reduced charge of "wet reckless" due to specific circumstances. It outlines the consequences of accepting this plea, including potential jail time, fines, and mandatory attendance in a Drinking Driver Program. The form explains that a wet reckless conviction may be treated as a prior DUI offense if the defendant is charged with a DUI again within ten years. It also details the implications for the defendant's driving record, including points added for reckless driving, and mentions the separate civil actions the DMV may take regarding the defendant's driver’s license. Defendants must initial each statement to confirm their understanding and sign the form to acknowledge that they comprehend the legal consequences associated with their plea.

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