Last updated: 4/18/2019
Petition For Name Change (Child)
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Petition for Name Change (Child), Page 1 of 4 251 2008 Montana Supreme Court Commission on Self-Represented Litigants and Montana Legal Services Association. Use of this form is restricted to not-for-profit purposes. Last updated 05/14/2008 Your name Your mailing address City State Zip Your phone number Petitioner Pro Se Montana Judicial District Court Number of the Judicial District where you are filling County Name of the county where you are filing In the Matter of the Name Cha nge of : Child222s full name now , Petitioner (your name), on behalf of , Minor Child (child222s name now). Cause No.: Dept. No.: Petition for Name Change (Child) I would like this court to change a minor child222s name. (Montana Code Annotated 27-31-101) 1 Your Relationship to the Child (Choose one) I am the Mother or Father of the minor child. Both of the parents of the child are dead. I am the child222s guardian. Both of the parents of the child are dead. There is no legal guardian of the child. I am a near relative or friend of the child. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Petition for Name Change (Child), Page 2 of 4 251 2008 Montana Supreme Court Commission on Self-Represented Litigants and Montana Legal Services Association. Use of this form is restricted to not-for-profit purposes. Last updated 05/14/2008 2 Child222s Current Name First Middle Last 3 Child222s New Name First Middle Last 4 Child222s Address Street Address City State 5 Child222s Place of Birth City County State 6 Child222s Date of Birth The child was born on (date) . The child is years old. mm/dd/yyyy 7 Child222s Close Relatives Choose one: One or both of the child222s parents are still alive. (Skip to Number 7.) or Both of the child222s parents are dead. The child222s closest relatives are: Name: Home: Street Address City State American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Petition for Name Change (Child), Page 3 of 4 251 2008 Montana Supreme Court Commission on Self-Represented Litigants and Montana Legal Services Association. Use of this form is restricted to not-for-profit purposes. Last updated 05/14/2008 Name: Home: Street Address City State 8 Reason for Name Change (Why do you want to change the child222s name?) I am not changing the child222s name to avoid debt, hide a criminal record, or for any other improper reason. 8 All Parents and Guardians Consent All parents and legal guardians of the child have agreed to the name change. Each parent and/or guardian of the minor child has filed a written consent to the name change, filed separately from this Petition. Publication of this name change is not required. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Petition for Name Change (Child), Page 4 of 4 251 2008 Montana Supreme Court Commission on Self-Represented Litigants and Montana Legal Services Association. Use of this form is restricted to not-for-profit purposes. Last updated 05/14/2008 I respectfully ask this Court to: 1. Change the child222s name; 2. Schedule a hearing to decide this matter; 3. Order any other relief the Court decides is just and proper. Date: Petitioner222s Signature: mm/dd/yyyy Sign here Print Name: Note: You must sign and date this Petition. By signing, you are stating that: You have read the Petition; The information in the Petition is true to the best of your knowledge; and You are not using this Petition for an improper reason. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com