Last updated: 5/13/2019
Uniform Ex Parte Calendar Request Form
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en-CAUNIFORM EX PARTE CALENDAR REQUEST FORM FILE NO.: IN RE: EPORTAL REFERENCE NO. OF THE EX PARTE CALENDAR REQUEST 1 : PRINT): I hereby request to attend the uncontested/ex parte calendar to be held at the Broward County Courthouse (in Courtroom), Fort Lauderdale, Broward County, Florida on Tuesday /Thursday , the day of , 20 , before Judge (Check appropriate Judge) at the corresponding time: Division 60J - Judge Mily Rodriquez Powell (Courtroom 12178) *Beginning at 9:15 A.M. Division 61J - Judge Charles M. Greene (Courtroom 12168) *Beginning at 9:15 A.M. Division 62J - Judge Kenneth L. Gillespie (Courtroom 14160) *Beginning at 8:45 A.M. Division 65J - Judge Mark A. Speiser (Courtroom 12158)(THURSDAY ONLY) *Beginning at 8:45 A.M. on the following matter(s) 2 : 1. 2. 3. [PLEASE NOTE: THE COURT WILL NOT HEAR THE FOLLOWING MATTERS DURING THE UNCONTESTED/EX PARTE CALENDAR SCHEDULE: (1) Attorney's Fees & Costs; (2) Guardian's Fees & Costs; (3) Discharge of Personal Representatives and Guardians; (4) Approval of Minor Settlements; and (5) Appointment of Guardian(s) unless the proposed Guardian(s) credit check and criminal background investigation is complete and approved prior to hearing.] I hereby certify that: the above-referenced matter(s) is/are uncontested, all interested parties have been served notice of the document(s) to be addressed during the ex parte calendar, and I have not received notification that any party objects to the bringing of the matter(s) before this Court. Florida Bar No. -mail Specific Instructions: Uniform Ex Parte Calendar Request Form and the relevant document(s) for the requested ex parte hearing shall be e-filed at: www.myflcourtaccess.com . Each relevant document and any attachments thereto must be filed as a separate PDF. -filing the Uniform Ex Parte Calendar Request Form and the accompanying document(s), an e-mail shall be sent to the Broward County Clerk of Court, Probate Division at exparterequests@browardclerk.org , with the -mail shall include: the case number, the reference number of the Uniform Ex Parte Request Form, and the reference number of any relevant documents that have not yet been accepted through the ePortal. A Uniform Ex Parte Calendar Request Form must be e-filed even for those documents that were filed in paper format, prior to April 1, 2013. Uniform Ex Parte Request Form must be e-filed for each individual case number. Uniform Ex Parte Calendar Request Form for a Tuesday hearing shall be e-filed by 11:00 a.m. of the prior Thursday. The Uniform Ex Parte Calendar Request Form for a Thursday hearing shall be e-filed by 11:00 a.m. of the prior Tuesday. * All Judges require that the following documents be provided to them at the ex parte hearing: a copy of the e-filed Uniform Ex Parte Calendar Request Form, a copy of the document(s) for which the hearing is sought, and a proposed order. Please be advised that the time allotted for each ex parte hearing is five minutes. 1 Please add the ePortal reference number after e-filing, for reference at the hearing. 2 Please specify the date when the document(s) was/were e-filed or paper filed, and include the ePortal reference number for the documents that were e-filed. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com