Disclosure Statement For Small Business Under Chapter 11 {B425B} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

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Disclosure Statement For Small Business Under Chapter 11 {B425B} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

Last updated: 5/28/2019

Disclosure Statement For Small Business Under Chapter 11 {B425B}

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Official Form 425B, Disclosure Statement for Small Business Under Chapter 11, This Disclosure Statement describes:  The Debtor and significant events during the bankruptcy case,  How the Plan proposes to treat claims or equity interests of the type you hold (i.e., what you will receive on your claim or equity interest if the plan is confirmed),  Who can vote on or object to the Plan,  What factors the Bankruptcy Court (the Court) will consider when deciding whether to confirm the Plan,  Why [the proponent] believes the Plan is feasible, and how the treatment of your claim or equity interest under the Plan compares to what you would receive on your claim or equity interest in liquidation, and  The effect of confirmation of the Plan. Be sure to read the Plan as well as the Disclosure Statement. This Disclosure Statement describes the Plan, but it is the Plan itself that will, if confirmed, establish your rights. Rev. 12/17. www.FormsWorkflow.com

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