Joe Anderson Pretrial Instructions And Bar Meeting Notice | Pdf Fpdf Docx | South Carolina

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Joe Anderson Pretrial Instructions And Bar Meeting Notice | Pdf Fpdf Docx | South Carolina

Last updated: 6/20/2019

Joe Anderson Pretrial Instructions And Bar Meeting Notice

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IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTFOR THE DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINAHONORABLE JOSEPH F. ANDERSON, JR., UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGEBAR MEETING NOTICE & PRETRIAL INSTRUCTIONS TERM OF COURT Please take notice that Judge Joseph F. Anderson, Jr. has scheduled a BAR MEETING at 10:00 a.m. on in Courtroom No. IV of the United States DistrictCourthouse, 901 Richland Street, Columbia, South Carolina. The purpose of the barmeeting is to finalize a roster of cases for trial during this term of court. The term begins with JURY SELECTION on .By direction of the Court,ROBIN L. BLUME, CLERKMary L. Floyd, Deputy Clerk803.765.5353For forms referenced herein, go to Judge Joseph F. Anderson, Jr. Pretrial Instructions1 American LegalNet, Inc. CIVIL CASES FOR TRIAL TERM OF COURTCase No.Case Name CounselJudge Joseph F. Anderson, Jr. Pretrial Instructions2 American LegalNet, Inc. JUDGE ANDERSON222S PRETRIAL INSTRUCTIONSATTENDANCEAll attorneys and unrepresented parties with cases listed on this bar meeting notice mustattend the bar meeting or send an attorney knowledgeable about the case. TRIAL DATESBeginning the day after jury selection, cases will be tried in order of the date they were filed. As noted in each case222s scheduling order, the cases will go to trial during this term of court.This is not a 223subject to being called on or after224 date227this is a firm trial term date. Counsel,parties, and witnesses should plan their schedules and vacations accordingly.SETTLEMENTSIf any cases are settled, please immediately notify the court and all parties via email at and call chambers at 803.765.5136. Normally, the court will enter a conditional order of dismissal or 223Rubin Order224 which allowsthe parties an additional 60 days to effect the agreed-to settlement. If the Rubin Order is notacceptable to the parties, counsel is responsible for prompt submission of dismissal papers. PRETRIAL CONFERENCESThe court will conduct pretrial conferences in all cases to be tried. The dates for the pretrialconferences will be announced at the bar meeting. CONSENT TO TRIAL BY MAGISTRATE JUDGE (Local Rule 73.02)United States Magistrate Judges of the district court, may conduct any or all proceedings ina civil case, including jury or nonjury trials, upon consent of all parties and with the approvalof the district judge. 28 U.S.C. 247 636(c). Magistrate Judges are normally able to provide adate certain for trial. For any parties who wish to have their case tried before a MagistrateJudge, a Consent form is available on the court222s website. Judge Joseph F. Anderson, Jr. Pretrial Instructions3 American LegalNet, Inc. JUDGE ANDERSON222S PRETRIAL INSTRUCTIONSPRETRIAL DISCLOSURES & PRETRIAL BRIEFS (Local Rule 26.04)All attorneys and unrepresented parties are reminded of their pretrial obligations under theFederal Rules of Civil Procedure and Local Civil Rules of this District. Counsel must ensurethat all attorneys and support staff involved in the pretrial or trial process have reviewedthese materials and instructions. Pretrial briefs are to be submitted via email to in a PDFdocument (13 pt. double spaced). Pretrial briefs are not filed or served on the opposing side. However, witness and exhibit lists must be filed with the Clerk (and thereby served on theopposing side) at the same time the trial briefs are emailed to the court. The deadline for pretrial briefs is 5:00 p.m. exactly one week prior to jury selection. Submissions that must accompany the pretrial brief include special voir dire and/or specialjury instruction requests, exhibit list, and witness list.TRIAL EXHIBITS 227 223MEET, MARK & EXCHANGE MEETING224 (Local Rule 26.07)The date for counsel to meet, mark, and exchange all trial exhibits is no later than 2 weeks before jury selection. Please do not renumber exhibits after the exhibit list is prepared and this meeting has occurred. Also, do not use subsections when numbering the exhibits (i.e.,1A, 2B, 1.4)227use only whole numbers (1, 2, 3, 4). If exhibits are deleted after the meeting,simply strike through or mark 223withdrawn.224 PRETRIAL DESIGNATIONS OF EXHIBIT OBJECTIONS (Local Rule 26.07(A))Counsel are required to confer at the 223meet, mark, and exchange meeting224 and attempt toagree on the admissibility of all trial exhibits. To the extent counsel cannot come toagreement regarding admissibility of certain exhibits, the attorney opposing admission of theexhibit shall file with the court a list of objections (referring to the exhibit number and reasonfor the objection) no later than 1 day before the beginning of trial. If the number of objectionsis relatively small, the court will attempt to definitively rule on the objections before the trialbegins. If, on the other hand, there is a large number of objections, the court will likelyrequire the objections to be made at trial before the jury and ruled upon then.Judge Joseph F. Anderson, Jr. Pretrial Instructions4 American LegalNet, Inc. JUDGE ANDERSON222S PRETRIAL INSTRUCTIONSVIDEO DEPOSITION DESIGNATIONSBecause video depositions must be prepared in advance of trial so as to minimize delaysassociated with in-trial editing, the following procedures apply: At the 223meet, mark, and exchange meeting,224 each party is to provide the other party a VideoDeposition Designation Sheet, by page and line number, of all video deposition excerpts thatparty intends to use at trial.Within 4 days thereafter, the opposing party shall serve a Video Deposition Counter-Designation Sheet of the same witness the opposing party wishes to have played for the jury. No later than 7 days before the first day of trial, the parties are to confer and attempt toresolve any objections to any video deposition excerpts that have been indicated for use attrial.The party offering the video deposition will have the video appropriately edited to deleteportions the parties do not desire to use, and that the parties have agreed are objectionable. For any objections that are not resolved prior to trial, the party offering the video deposition shall have a videographer present at trial who is able to quickly edit the video in accordance with the court222s rulings.WRITTEN DEPOSITION DESIGNATIONSAt the 223meet, mark, and exchange meeting,224 each party is to provide the other party with aWritten Deposition Designation Sheet, by page and line number, of portions of depositiontranscripts that party intends to read to the jury during trial. Within 4 days thereafter, the opposing side shall serve a Written Deposition CounterDesignation Sheet, identifying any additional portions that party desires to be read to thejury. No later than 7 days before the first day of trial, the parties are to confer and attemptto resolve any objections that have been indicated for use at trial.To the extent counsel cannot come to an agreement regarding the deposition objections, theattorney lodging the objections shall file with the court the pertinent portions of thedeposition, along with an explanation of the objections. As with objections to exhibits(discussed above), if the number of objections is relatively small, the court will attempt todefinitively rule on the objections before the trial begins. If, on the other hand, there is alarge number of objections, the court will likely require the objections to be made at trialbefore the jury and ruled upon then.Judge Joseph F. Anderson, Jr. Pretrial Instructions5 American LegalNet, Inc. JUDGE ANDERSON222S PRETRIAL INSTRUCTIONSJUROR LIST & QUESTIONNAIRES (Local Rule 47)A copy of the jury list will be available from the Clerk of Court 7 days before jury selection. The Clerk of Court will solicit information from potential jurors by way of a questionnairecompleted by jurors prior to jury selection day. Only attorneys and parties with cases on thetrial roster are allowed access to the questionnaires. A Juror Questionnaire Request Formmust be submitted to the Clerk222s Office for approval to purchase or review thequestionnaires

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