Last updated: 10/24/2019
Acceptance Of Service - Family Court (Mohave County)
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For Clerk's Use Only Name of Person Filing: ______________________________________ Mailing Address: ______________________________________ City, State, and Zip Code: ______________________________________ Daytime / Evening Phone: ______________________________________ State Bar Number (if applicable):____________________________________ Representing: Self or Attorney for Petitioner Respondent (If Attorney, include State Bar Number) SUPERIOR COURT OF ARIZONA MOHAVE COUNTY _______________________________________ Name of Petitioner/Plaintiff _______________________________________ Name of Respondent/Defendant Case Number: ___________________________ ACCEPTANCE OF SERVICE FAMILY COURT Arizona Rules of Family Law Procedure 40 Check the box to indicate each document you received. Do not check the box unless you received the document listed beside it. If your case is not one of the types listed, list the type of case and the documents you received from the other party under "Other type Case" on the next page. 1. BY SIGNING THIS DOCUMENT, I STATE UNDER OATH OR AFFIRMATION THAT I HAVE RECEIVED AND ACCEPTED THE LEGAL PAPERS INDICATED (CHECKED) BELOW: PATERNITY (to establish) Petition Summons Parent Info. Program Notice TEMPORARY ORDERS Motion for Temporary Order Order to Appear Family Court Dept. Notices About: Returns/Conferences Temporary Orders Affidavit of Financial Info. (if for spousal maintenance) Parents Worksheet for Child Support (if for child support) Parenting Plan (if for legal decision making /parenting time) DIVORCE (OR ANNULMENT) DIVORCE (OR ANNULMENT) WITH CHILDREN WITHOUT CHILDREN Petition Petition Summons Summons Preliminary Injunction Preliminary Injunction Health Insurance Notice Health Insurance Notice Parent Info. Program Notice Notice to Creditors Notice to Creditors Affidavit Regarding Minor Children Parent Worksheet for Child Support (if filed) LEGAL SEPARATION LEGAL SEPARATION WITH CHILDREN WITHOUT CHILDREN Petition Petition Summons Summons Preliminary Injunction Preliminary Injunction Notice to Creditors Notice to Creditors Health Insurance Notice Parent Info. Program Notice Affidavit Regarding Minor Children Parent Worksheet for Child Support (if filed) LEGAL DECISION MAKING, PARENTING TIME, SUPPORT (to establish when paternity already legally established) Petition Summons Parent info. Program Notice Parent Worksheet for Child Support (if filed) CHILD SUPPORT (to establish when paternity already legally established) Petition Order to Appear Parents Worksheet for Child Support MODIFY CHILD SUPPORT 15% OR MORE ("Simplified Mod") Petition to Modify Parent Worksheet for Child Support (if filed) Blank Request for Hearing MODIFY SPOUSAL MAINTENANCE OR SPOUSAL AND CHILD SUPPORT ("Standard Mod") Petition to Modify Support Order Affidavit of Financial Information Parent Worksheet for Child Support (if filed) Order to Appear Revised: 8/16/2016 Page 1 of 2 Case No._______________________________ MODIFY CHILD SUPPORT MODIFY LEGAL DECISION MAKING and/or PARENTING ("Standard Mod") TIME AND SUPPORT Petition to Modify Child Support Std. Process Petition to Modify Affidavit of Financial Information Notice of Filing for Modification of Custody Order to Appear Parent Worksheet for Child Support (if filed) Parent Worksheet for Child Support (if filed) Affidavit Regarding Minor Children (only if children have not lived in Mohave County the whole time since last legal decision making order) STOP ORDER OF ASSIGNMENT Petition to Stop Order of Assignment Blank Request for Hearing MODIFY (Change) ORDER OF ASSIGNMENT Petition to Modify Order of Assignment Blank Request for Hearing OTHER TYPE CASE (List Type): (Example: "Annulment") _______________________________________________ (Below list name of each document you received: Example: "Petition for Annulment," "Summons," etc.) _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ 2. ACCEPT AND WAIVE FORMAL SERVICE. I waive formal service of process by a process server or sheriff. I understand accepting these papers is the same as if I were personally served under Arizona Law [A.R.F.L.P. Rule 40 (F)] RESPONSE DEADLINE. I am aware that accepting service of these court papers and signing this paper does not affect my right or obligation to file a written Response or Answer to this action if I do not agree with any relief asked for in the Petition. I understand I must Respond or Answer within 20 days from the day I signed the original of this Acceptance of Service if I accepted service in Arizona, or 30 days if I received the papers somewhere other than in Arizona. DEFAULT JUDGMENT, ORDER OR DECREE. I understand that if I do not appear and defend in this action in court, within the time allowed by law, that I may lose my right to be heard in this case. I understand that failure to Respond or Answer could result in the court giving the other party any and all things requested in his or her legal papers, through a Default Judgment, Order or Decree. RESTORE NAME (ONLY in Divorce Cases). My complete married name is: (Optional. Complete ONLY if you want to change your name) _______________________________________________________________________________________ I want my legal name restored to: (List complete maiden name or legal name before this marriage) _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. 4. 5. OATH AND VERIFICATION STATE OF ARIZONA County of Mohave ) ) ss. I, swear or affirm under penalty of perjury that I have read and understand the contents of this document and that I have received and accepted the legal documents indicated above. ________________________________________ Signature SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this by My Commission Expires ___________________________ ___________________________________ Notary Public / Deputy Clerk day of _____________________________ Date , 20 , Revised: 8/16/2016 Page 2 of 2