Last updated: 6/25/2020
ADR Report
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UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT WESTERN DISTRICT OF OKLAHOMA ADR REPORT File Electronically at ADR Documents - ADR Report by Mediator/ Evaluator ____________________________________________________________ Case Number and Name: CIV Name of Mediator or Evaluator: TYPE OF ADR: (check one) ADR Session Held or to be Held (date): Additional Session Held, if any (date): Results of Referral to ADR: ___ Mediation ___ Early Neutral Evaluation __Case settled before ADR __Case settled at ADR session __Case settled in part - Explain __Case did not settle __Case will not be heard __Other - Reason: __Counsel were requested to notify court if case settled or settled in part and to file the appropriate pleadings. Did neutral serve pro bono? __yes or __no (check one). Status of litigation when ADR occurred (e.g. __TRO, __pre-discovery, __partial discovery, __full discovery, __ Trial preparation commenced, __other (check one) Length of ADR session: Dated: s/ Mediator/Evaluator (Attorney Bar # Or ) s/ Mediator (Non-attorney - I certify that I have the signed original of this document, which is available for inspection at any time by the Court or a party to this action.) (ATTENTION NEUTRAL: This form is to be FILED ELECTRONICALLY by the neutral immediately upon the conclusion of the ADR. This form must be completed and filed even if the session did not occur or the neutral is serving privately for any case pending in this Court. Additional forms may be retrieved from the Court's website at www.okwd.uscourts.gov). ONLY THE NEUTRAL IS TO FILE THIS FORM Any Notes or other information concerning this case that is not to be filed, please send separately to ADR ADMINISTRATOR % Court Clerk, U.S. Courthouse, Room 1210, 200 N. W. 4th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73102. Rev. 5/1/04 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com