![Answer Of Continuing Garnishment | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Georgia](http://fwfprod.s3.amazonaws.com/Georgia/Jpeg/2%20Local%20County/Chatham/State%20Court/Civil/Answer%20Of%20Continuing%20Garnishment_firstPage.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJKLRW4A3X2WJFD7Q&Expires=1740038568&Signature=mhrCQ9BODK%2B%2B2SFeIYfKgWzWJT0%3D)
Last updated: 12/12/2019
Answer Of Continuing Garnishment
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In The State Court of Chatham County, Georgia MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 9927, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA 31412 www.statecourt.org PHONE (912) 652-7573 · FACSIMILE : (912) 652-7229 finance@statecourt.org ____________________________________________ Versus Plaintiff ____________________________________________ Defendant ____________________________________________ Garnishee Garnishment #_______________ ANSWER OF CONTINUING GARNISHMENT 1. From the time of service of this summons of continuing garnishment, if this is the first answer to such summons, otherwise from the time of the last answer to this summons of continuing garnishment, until the time of this answer, garnishee had in his possession the following described property of the defendant:______________________________________________________________________; $___________. 2. From the time of service of this summons of continuing gar nish ment , if this i s the fi rst a nswer to such summons, ot herwise from the time of the last answer to this summons of continuing garnishment, until the time of this answer, all debts accruing from garnishee to the defendant are in the amount of $ _______________________. 3. $ ___________________ of the amount named in paragraph 2 was wages earned at the rate of ___________ per _______ __ computed as follows, assuming MINIMUM WAGE is now___________. $ _______________ Gross WEEKLY ear nings ______________ Total social security and withholding tax, $ _______________ for the period beginning _________________ through the time of making this answer. The amount of wages subject to this garnishment is GEORGIA LAW LIMITS THE AMOUNT SUBJECT TO GARNISHMENT TO 25% OF THE TOTAL DISPOSABLE EARNINGS OR 30 T IMES T HE FEDE RAL MINIMUM WAGE PER WEEK, WHICHEVER IS LESS. Total Disposable Earnings FOR INFORMATION ONLY: 25% of disposable income is __________and thirty (30) times the Federal Minimum Wage is_________, per week. 4.___ If checked, defendant is not presently employed by this garnishee and if employed by garnishee on or after service of this summons continuing garnishment was most recently terminated as of _______________________, 20__________. 5. ___ If checked, this is the last answer this garnishee is required to file to the presently pending summons of continuing garnishment. 6. Garnishee further states_______________________________________________________________________________________. 7. I hereby certify that I have served a copy of this answer on the Plaintiff's Attorney, ___________________________________ this_______ day of ________________20_____, either in person or by posting in the US Mail an envelope containing the answer, properly addressed with appropriate postage paid. _________________________________________________ Garnishee or the Attorney representing CLEAR FORM 5. Answer of continuing garnishment RETURN TO Garnishment Clerk at the above address. 5-i . Answer of Continuing Garnishment (Interactive) 09-05 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com