Order On Petition Or Application {SUPCR-1115} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

 California   Local County   Santa Cruz   Criminal 
Order On Petition Or Application {SUPCR-1115} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

Last updated: 3/5/2020

Order On Petition Or Application {SUPCR-1115}

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SUPCR 1115 - ORDER ON PETITION OR APPLICATION PENAL CODE § 1170.18 (a) and (f). This form is used by the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Cruz, to process petitions for resentencing or applications for redesignation of certain felony convictions to misdemeanors. It includes sections to specify the type of review, the judge handling the case, and the court's actions before ruling. The court can either deny the petition/application for specified reasons or grant it, leading to reclassification of the conviction, and potentially changing the terms of probation or supervision. The form concludes with the court's order and the judicial officer's signature. Form Adopted for OPTIONAL USE. www.FormsWorkflow.com

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