Last updated: 3/10/2020
Certificate Of Medical Necessity Seat Lift Mechanisms {CMS-849}
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CERTIFICATE OF MEDICAL NECESSITYCMS-849 227 SEAT LIFT MECHANISMSDEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICESCENTERS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERVICES SECTION þ A: Certification Type/Date: INITIAL // REVISED // RECERTIFICATION// PATIENT NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE and ( ) - SUPPLIER NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE and NSC or NPI #( ) - NSC or NPI #NAME and ADDRESS of FACILITY if applicable (see reverse)PHYSICIAN NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE and UPIN or NPI # ( ) - UPIN or NPI #PLACE OF SERVICE Supply Item/Service Procedure Code(s): PT DOB // Sex (M/F) Ht. (in) Wt EST. LENGTH OF NEED (# OF MONTHS): 1-99 (99=LIFETIME) DIAGNOSIS CODES: ANSWERS þ ANSWER QUESTIONS 1-5 FOR SEAT LIFT MECHANISM (Check Y for Yes, N for No, or D for Does Not Apply) I certify that I am the treating physician identified in Section A of this form. I have received Sections A, B and C of the Certificate of Medical Necessity (including charges for items ordered). Any statement on my letterhead attached hereto, has been reviewed and signed by me. I certify that the medical necessity information in Section B is true, accurate and complete, to the best of my knowledge, and I understand that any falsification, omission, or concealment of material fact in that section may subject me to civil or criminal liability.PHYSICIAN222S SIGNATURE DATE // Y N DY N DY N DY N DY N D 1. Does the patient have severe arthritis of the hip or knee? 2. Does the patient have a severe neuromuscular disease? 3. Is the patient completely incapable of standing up from a regular armchair or any chair in his/her home? 4. Once standing, does the patient have the ability to ambulate? 5. Have all appropriate therapeutic modalities to enable the patient to transfer from a chair to a standing position (e.g., medication, physical therapy) been tried and failed? If YES, this is documented in the patient222s medical records. SECTION D: PHYSICIAN Attestation and Signature/Date SECTION B: Information in this Section May Not Be Completed by the Supplier of the Items/Supplies.DME 07.0 NAME OF PERSON ANSWERING SECTION B QUESTIONS, IF OTHER THAN PHYSICIAN (Please Print):NAME: TITLE: EMPLOYER:(1)Narrative description of all items, accessories and options ordered; (2) Supplier222s charge; and (3) Medicare Fee Schedule Allowance foreach item, accessory, and option. (see instructions on back) SECTION C: Narrative Description of Equipment and CostSignature and Date Stamps Are Not Acceptable. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com SECTION A: þ CERTIFICATION þ DATE: þ PATIENT þ INFORMATION: þ SUPPLIER þ INFORMATION: þ PLACE OF SERVICE: þ FACILITY NAME: þ SUPPLY ITEM/SERVICE þ PROCEDURE CODE(S): þ PATIENT DOB, HEIGHT, þ WEIGHT AND SEX: þ PHYSICIAN NAME, þ ADDRESS: PHYSICIAN INFORMATION: þ PHYSICIAN222S þ TELEPHONE NO: SECTION B: þ EST. LENGTH OF NEED: þ DIAGNOSIS CODES: þ QUESTION SECTION: þ NAME OF PERSON þ ANSWERING SECTION B QUESTIONS: þ SECTION C: þ NARRATIVE þ DESCRIPTION OF þ EQUIPMENT & COST: þ SECTION D: þ PHYSICIAN þ ATTESTATION: þ PHYSICIAN SIGNATURE þ AND þ DATE: þ (May be completed by the supplier)If this is an initial certification for this patient, indicate this by placing date (MM/DD/YY) needed initially in the space TYPE/marked 223INITIAL.224 If this is a revised certification (to be completed when the physician changes the order, based on the patient222s changing clinical needs), indicate the initial date needed in the space marked 223INITIAL,224 and indicate the recertification date in the space marked 223REVISED.224 If this is a recertification, indicate the initial date needed in the space marked 223INITIAL,224 and indicate the recertification date in the space marked 223RECERTIFICATION.224 Whether submitting a REVISED or a RECERTIFIED CMN, be sure to always furnish the INITIAL date as well as the REVISED or RECERTIFICATION date.Indicate the patient222s name, permanent legal address, telephone number and his/her as it appears on his/her Medicare card and on the claim form.Indicate the name of your company (supplier name), address and telephone number along with the Medicare Supplier Number assigned to you by the National Supplier Clearinghouse (NSC) or applicable National Provider Identifier (NPI). If using the NPI Number, indicate this by using the qualifier XX followed by the 10-digit number. If using a legacy number, e.g. NSC number, use the qualifier 1C followed by the 10-digit number. (For example. 1Cxxxxxxxxxx)Indicate the place in which the item is being used, i.e., patient222s home is 12, skilled nursing facility (SNF) is 31, EndStage Renal Disease (ESRD) facility is 65, etc. Refer to the DMERC supplier manual for a complete list.If the place of service is a facility, indicate the name and complete address of the facility.List all procedure codes for items ordered. Procedure codes that do not require certification should not be listedon the CMN.Indicate patient222s date of birth (MM/DD/YY) and sex (male or female); height in inches and weight in pounds, if requested. Indicate the PHYSICIAN222S name and complete mailing address. Accurately indicate the treating physician222s Unique Physician Identification Number (UPIN) or applicable National Provider Identifier (NPI). If using the NPI Number, indicate this by using the qualifier XX followed by the 10-digit number. If using UPIN number, use the qualifier 1G followed by the 6-digit number. (For example. 1Gxxxxxx)Indicate the telephone number where the physician can be contacted (preferably where records would be accessible pertaining to this patient) if more information is needed.(May not be completed by the supplier. While this section may be completed by a non-physician clinician, or a Physician employee, it must be reviewed, and the CMN signed (in Section D) by the treating practitioner.)Indicate the estimated length of need (the length of time the physician expects the patient to require use of the ordered item) by filling in the appropriate number of months. If the patient will require the item for the duration of his/her life, then enter 22399224.In the first space, list the diagnosis code that represents the primary reason for ordering this item. List any additional diagnosis codes that would further describe the medical need for the item (up to 4 codes).This section is used to gather clinical information to help Medicare determine the medical necessity for the item(s) being ordered. Answer each question which applies to the items ordered, checking 223Y224 for yes, 223N224 for no, or 223D224 for does not apply. If a clinical professional other than the treating physician (e.g., home health nurse, physical therapist, dietician) or a physician employee answers the questions of Section B, he/she must print his/her name, give his/her professional title and the name of his/her employer where indicated. If the physician is answering the questions, this space may be left blank.(To be completed by the supplier)Supplier gives (1) a narrative description of the item(s) ordered, as well as all options, accessories, supplies and drugs; (2)the supplier222s charge for each item(s), options, accessories, supplies and drugs; and (3) the Medicare fee scheduleallowance for each item(s), options, accessories, supplies and drugs, if applicable.(To be completed by the physician)The physician222s signature certifies (1) the CMN which he/she is reviewing includes Sections A, B, C and D; (2) the answers in Section B are correct; and (3) the self-identifying information in Section A is correct.After completion and/or review by the physician of Sections A, B and C, the physician222s must sign and date the CMN in Section D, verifying the Attestation appearing in this Section. The physician222s signature also certifies the items ordered are medically necessary for this patient. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE CERTIFICATE OF MEDICAL NECESSITY FOR SEAT LIFT MECHANISMS (CMS-849) Form CMS-849 () INSTRUCTIONSAccording to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0938-0679. The time required to complete this informat
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