Petition For Final Judgment (Formal Administration) {PR-1910} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Wisconsin

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Petition For Final Judgment (Formal Administration) {PR-1910} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Wisconsin

Last updated: 4/20/2020

Petition For Final Judgment (Formal Administration) {PR-1910}

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PR-1910, 10/10 Petition for Final Judgment (Formal Administration) 247247859.47, 862.09, 862.15, and 863.25, Wisconsin Statutes This form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional material. Page 1 of 2 STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Name Amended Petition for Final Judgment (Formal Administration) Case No. UNDER OATH, I STATE: 1. I am the personal representative in this estate. 2. I filed the final account of the administration of this estate from [Date of Death or Date of prior account] to [Date] and this estate is ready for final judgment. 3. All allowances, debts, taxes, funeral expenses, and expenses of administration as shown in the final account were paid. 4. Any unfiled claims against this estate which I paid in good faith were just demands against this estate and were paid on or before the deadline for filing claims or with the consent of the heirs or beneficiaries affected by the payment, as shown in the final account. 5. In addition to any property subject to administration, the decedent had the following interests in property as a life tenant, joint tenant in marital property or in property passing by nontestamentary disposition under 247247705.15 or 766.58(3)(f), Wis. Stats., for which a certificate has not been issued: See attached Description of Property ( include legal description of real esta te, WI county where the property is located and Recording Data from creating document) Interest Person Receiving Property and Nature of Interest 6. Other: I REQUEST: 1. A hearing on the Petition be set, if required. 2. Heirship be determined by the court. 3. The account be allowed. 4. A final judgment be entered assigning the assets of the estate according to law and making the necessary finding of fact to terminate any life estate or joint tenancy interest of the decedent; certify the ownership of any survivorship marital property; grant -half interest in marital property immediately before the death of decedent, AND American LegalNet, Inc. PR-1910, 10/10 Petition for Final Judgment (Formal Administration) 247247859.47, 862.09, 862.15, and 863.25, Wisconsin Statutes This form shall not be modified. It may be supplemented with additional material. Page 2 of 2 grant any petition filed by a designated person, trust or other entity under 247766.58(3)(f), Wis. Stats. or a transfer on death beneficiary under 247247705.15 or 766.58(3)(f), Wis. Stats. 5. Other: State of County of Subscribed and sworn to before me on Notary Public/Court Official Name Printed or Typed My commission/term expires: State of County of Subscribed and sworn to before me on Notary Public/Court Official Name Printed or Typed My commission/term expires: Personal Representative Name Printed or Typed Date Personal Representative Name Printed or Typed Date Form completed by: (Name) Address Telephone Number Bar Number American LegalNet, Inc.

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