Guardians Application To Extend Time To File Annual Documents {15.10} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Ohio

 Ohio   County (Court Of Common Pleas)   Lake   Probate   Guardianship 
Guardians Application To Extend Time To File Annual Documents {15.10} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Ohio

Last updated: 5/8/2020

Guardians Application To Extend Time To File Annual Documents {15.10}

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PROBATE COURT OF LAKE COUNTY, OHIO IN THE MATTER OF THE GUARDIANSHIP OF: CASE NO. APPLICATION TO EXTEND TIME TO FILE GUARDIAN'S REPORT The undersigned guardian, hereby makes application to extend the time for filing the guardian's report in the above captioned guardianship which first became due on , for the following reasons: The undersigned further states that this matter: [ [ ] has not been previously extended. ] has been extended times previously. Attorney Attorney Registration No. Guardian ENTRY EXTENDING TIME TO FILE GUARDIAN'S REPORT Upon application and for good cause shown, the application is hereby granted and time for filing the guardian's report is hereby extended to , . FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THIS EXTENSION DEADLINE WILL RESULT IN A CITATION BEING ISSUED PROBATE JUDGE LCPC FORM 410-GR - APPLICATION & ENTRY TO EXTEND TIME TO FILE GUARDIAN'S REPORT American LegalNet, Inc.

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