Next Of Kin Of Proposed Ward | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Ohio

 Ohio   County (Court Of Common Pleas)   Lake   Probate   Conservatorship 
Next Of Kin Of Proposed Ward | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Ohio

Last updated: 5/8/2020

Next Of Kin Of Proposed Ward

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MARK J. BARTOLOTTA, JUDGE PROBATE COURT OF LAKE COUNTY, OHIO IN THE MATTER OF _______________________________________________________________________ Case No. ________________________________ Docket __________________________ Page ____________ NEXT OF KIN OF PROPOSED WARD (Note: If the next of kin is a minor 15 years or under, his age should be entered next to his name, and the name, address, and relationship to the minor of a natural parent, or guardian who has custody, should be listed in the next name block.) Service Waived 1. Name ____________________________________________ Relationship _______________________ Address ______________________________________________________ ZIP __________________ Name ____________________________________________ Relationship _______________________ Address ______________________________________________________ ZIP __________________ Name ____________________________________________ Relationship _______________________ Address ______________________________________________________ ZIP __________________ Name ____________________________________________ Relationship _______________________ Address ______________________________________________________ ZIP __________________ Name ____________________________________________ Relationship _______________________ Address ______________________________________________________ ZIP __________________ Name ____________________________________________ Relationship _______________________ Address ______________________________________________________ ZIP __________________ Name ____________________________________________ Relationship _______________________ Address _________________________________________________________ ZIP __________________ Name ____________________________________________ Relationship _______________________ Address ______________________________________________________ ZIP __________________ Name ____________________________________________ Relationship _______________________ Address ______________________________________________________ ZIP __________________ Name ____________________________________________ Relationship _______________________ Address ______________________________________________________ ZIP __________________ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. LIST OF WAIVER OF NEXT KIN ­ APPLICATION EXHIBIT B American LegalNet, Inc. WAIVER OF SERVICE BY NEXT OF KIN With the knowledge that _______________________________________________________________ has applied to be guardian of _________________________________________________________________, we consent to that appointment, waive service of notice of the application and hearing, and voluntarily enter our appearance in the matter. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. _______________________________________ 6. __________________________________________ _______________________________________ 7. __________________________________________ _______________________________________ 8. __________________________________________ _______________________________________ 9. __________________________________________ _______________________________________ 10. _________________________________________ ..................................................................................................... SELECTION OF GUARDIAN BY MINOR OVER 14 YEARS OF AGE Under Ohio law, R.C. 2111.12, if the Court finds the person selected suitable, a minor over 14 years of age may select his/her own guardian. I, _______________________________________________________, Age ____________________, elect ________________________________________________________________________, a resident of ____________________________________ County, Ohio, as my guardian, and request the Court to find the person suitable and appoint that person guardian. __________________________________________ Date _________________________________________ Minor American LegalNet, Inc.

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