Request For Appointment Of Umpire | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

 Official Federal Forms   American Arbitration Association   Optional 
Request For Appointment Of Umpire | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Official Federal Forms

Last updated: 6/8/2020

Request For Appointment Of Umpire

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REQUEST FOR APPOINTMENT OF UMPIRE. This form is used in the event that a dispute cannot be resolved by the two arbitrators selected by the parties in a three-arbitrator panel. In a three-arbitrator panel, each party selects one arbitrator and those two arbitrators then select a third arbitrator, who serves as the umpire. If the two arbitrators selected by the parties cannot agree on the selection of the umpire, either party may submit a Request for Appointment of Umpire form to the AAA. The Request for Appointment of Umpire form includes information about the arbitration, the names of the two arbitrators already selected, and any qualifications or requirements the parties believe the umpire should possess. The AAA will then select a suitable umpire based on the qualifications and requirements provided by the parties.

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