Last updated: 9/23/2020
Application For Re-Reservation Of A Limited Liability Company Name Pursuant To Title 6, Section 18-103
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Delaware Division of Corporations 401 Federal Street Suite 4 Dover, DE 19901 Ph: 302-739-3073 Fax: 302-739-3812 Application for Re-Reservation Of Limited Liability Company Name Dear Sir or Madam: Enclosed please find an application for Re-Reservation of Limited Liability Company to be filed in accordance with the Limited Liability Act of the State of Delaware. The fee to file the application is $75.00 to be accompanied with a completed application. Please make your check payable to the "Delaware Secretary of State". An invoice and copy of your application will be returned for your records. Thank you for choosing Delaware as your corporate home. Should you require further assistance in this or any other matter, please don't hesitate to call us at (302)7393073. Sincerely, Department of State Division of Corporations encl. rev. 08/06 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com STATE OF DELAWARE APPLICATION FOR RE-RESERVATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY NAME PURSUANT TO TITLE 6, SECTION 18-103 OF THE DELAWARE CODE TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE: 1. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT : (must match name on original application) ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________. 2. PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF TITLE 6, SECTION 18-103 OF THE DELAWARE CODE, THE UNDERSIGND HEREBY APPLIES $75.00 FOR RE-RESERVATION OF THE FOLLOWING LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY NAME FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________. By:____________________________ Signature of Applicant Name:__________________________ Print or Type American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkflow.com