Search Warrant And Affidavit {CF-0060} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

 California   Local County   Shasta   Search Warrant And Sealing Order 
Search Warrant And Affidavit {CF-0060} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

Last updated: 6/25/2020

Search Warrant And Affidavit {CF-0060}

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Form Approved for Optional Use Shasta County Superior Court CF - 0060 [July 5, 2018] SEARCH WARRANT AND AFFIDAVIT Page 1 of 6 SW No. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SHASTA SEARCH WARRANT AND AFFIDAVIT (AFFIDAVIT) swears under oath that the facts expressed by him/her in this Search Warrant (Name of Affiant) and Affidavit and in the attached and incorporated herein Statement of Probable Cause are true and that based thereon upon his/her experience and expertise that he/she has probable cause to believe and does believe that the property and/or person described below is lawfully seizable pursuant to Penal Code 247 1524, as indicated below, and is now located at the locations set forth below. Wherefore, affiant requests that this Search Warrant be issued. \ s1 \ SEALING REQUESTED: No Yes (Signature of Affiant) Statement of Probable Cause \ d1 \ Confidential Attachment Date / Time(s) NIGHT SEARCH REQUESTED: No Yes (SEARCH WARRANT) THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO ANY SHERIFF, POLICE OFFICER, OR PEACE OFFICER IN THE COUNTY OF SHASTA: proof by affidavit having been made before me by that there is probable cause to believe that the property and/or person described (Name of Affiant) herein may be found at the locations set forth herein and is lawfully seizable pursuant to Penal Code 247 1524 as indicated below by 223X224(s) in that: the property was stolen or embezzled. the property or things were used as the means of committing a felony. the property or things are in the possession of any person with the intent to use them as a means of committing a public offense, or in the possession of another to whom he or she may have delivered them for the purpose of concealing them or preventing them from being discovered. the property or things to be seized consist of an item, or constitute evidence that tends to show a felony has been committed, or tends to show that a particular person has committed a felony. the property or things to be seized consist of evidence that tends to show that sexual exploitation of a child, in violation of California Penal Code 247 311.3, or possession of matter depicting sexual conduct of a person under the age of 18 years, in violation of California Penal Code 247 311.11, has occurred or is occurring. there is a warrant to arrest a person. American LegalNet, Inc. Form Approved for Optional Use Shasta County Superior Court CF - 0060 [July 5, 2018] SEARCH WARRANT AND AFFIDAVIT Page 2 of 6 a provider of electronic communication service or remote computing service has records or evidence, as specified in California Penal Code 247 1524.3, showing that property was stolen or embezzled constituting a misdemeanor, or that property or things are in the possession of any person with the intent to use them as a means of committing a misdemeanor public offense, or in the possession of another to whom he or she may have delivered them for the purpose of concealing them or preventing their discovery. the property or things to be seized include an item or any evidence that tends to show a violation of California Labor Code 247 3700.5, or tends to show that a particular person has violated California Labor Code 247 3700.5. the property or things to be seized include a firearm or any other deadly weapon at the scene of, or at the premises occupied or under the control of the person arrested in connection with, a domestic violence incident involving a threat to human life or a physical assault as provided in California Penal Code 247 18250. the property or things to be seized include a firearm that is owned by, or in the possession of, or in the custody or control of, a person who is subject to the prohibitions regarding firearms pursuant to 247 6389 of the Family Code, if a prohibited firearm is possessed, owned, in the custody of, or controlled by a person against whom a protective order has been issued pursuant to 247 6218 of the Family Code, the person has been lawfully served with that order, and the person failed to relinquish the firearm as required by law. the information to be received from the use of a tracking device constitutes evidence that tends to show that either a felony, a misdemeanor violation of the Fish and Game Code, or misdemeanor violation of the Public Resources Code has been committed or is being committed, tends to show that a particular person has committed a felony, a misdemeanor violation of the Fish and Game Code, or a misdemeanor violation of the Public Resources Code, or is committing a felony, a misdemeanor violation of the Fish and Game Code, or a misdemeanor violation of the Public Resources Code, or will assist in locating an individual who has committed or is committing a felony, a misdemeanor violation of the Fish and Game Code, or a misdemeanor violation of the Public Resources Code. A tracking device search warrant issued pursuant to this paragraph shall be executed in a manner meeting the requirements specified in subdivision (b) of 247 1534. the property or things to be seized are firearms or ammunition or both that are owned by, in the possession of, or in the custody or control of a person who is the subject of a gun violence restraining order that has been issued pursuant to Division 3.2 (commencing with 247 18100) of Title 2 of Part 6, if a prohibited firearm or ammunition or both is possessed, owned, in the custody of, or controlled by a person against whom a gun violence restraining order has been issued, the person has been lawfully served with that order, and the person has failed to relinquish the firearm as required by law. the property or things to be seized include a firearm that is owned by, or in the possession of, or in the custody or control of, a person who is subject to the prohibitions regarding firearms pursuant to 247 29800 or 29805, and the court has made a finding pursuant to subdivision (c) of 247 29810 that the person has failed to relinquish the firearm as required by law. the property or things to be seized are controlled substances or a device, contrivance, instrument, or paraphernalia used for unlawfully using or administering a controlled substance pursuant to the authority described in 24711472 of the Health and Safety Code. American LegalNet, Inc. Form Approved for Optional Use Shasta County Superior Court CF - 0060 [July 5, 2018] SEARCH WARRANT AND AFFIDAVIT Page 3 of 6 all of the following apply: (i) A sample of the blood of a person constitutes evidence that tends to show a violation of subdivision (b), (c), (d), (e), or (f) of 247 655 of the Harbors and Navigation Code. (ii) The person from whom the sample is being sought has refused an officer222s request to submit to, or has failed to complete, a blood test as required by 247 655.1 of the Harbors and Navigation Code. (iii) The sample will be drawn from the person in a reasonable, medically approved manner. (B) This paragraph is not intended to abrogate a court222s mandate to determine the propriety of the issuance of a search warrant on a case-by-case basis. the property or things to be seized consists of evidence that tends to show that a violation of paragraph (1), (2), or (3) of subdivision (j) of 247 647 has occurred or is occurring. YOU ARE THEREFORE COMMANDED TO SEARCH: FOR THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY/PERSON: And if you find the same or any part thereof, to hold such property in your possession under California Penal Code 247 1536 or, in the alternative, to institute Federal or State asset forfeiture proceedings against any and all assets seized during the execution of this search warrant and believed to be derived from narcotics trafficking activity. It is further ordered that upon adjudication of the case(s) against all defendant(s) in this action, including the resolution of any and all appeals, and the written concurrence of the Shasta County District Attorney222s Office, the property be disposed of in accordance with the procedures set forth in California Penal Code 247 1407-1422, without the necessity of a further Court Order issued pursuant to California Penal Code 247 1536. American LegalNet, Inc. Form Approved for Optional Use S

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