Last updated: 7/1/2020
Mediators Report {ADR-305}
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ADR PANEL MEMBER: (Name and Address): FOR COURT USE ONLY TELEPHONE NO: E-MAIL ADDRESS (Optional): FAX NO. (Optional): SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF CONTRA COSTA MAILING ADDRESS: CITY AND ZIP CODE: BRANCH NAME: CASE NAME: P.O. BOX 911 MARTINEZ, CA 94553 MARTINEZ CASE NUMBER: MEDIATOR'S REPORT 1. Mediation (check as appropriate) a. Did not take place. 1. The case settled before mediation. 2. A party who was ordered to appear at the mediation did not appear. 3. Other reason (please specify without disclosing any confidential information): b. Took place on (date or dates): ________________________ and lasted a total of _____ hours. 2. The mediation ended in (check as appropriate) a. Full agreement on: _______________ (date) b. Partial agreement 1. With full agreement as to the following parties: On _______________ (date) 2. With full agreement as to limited issues on: _______________ (date) c. No agreement. 3. Mediation is continuing, the next conference is set for________________ (Please send another Mediator's Report when mediation ends, if necessary please have the parties contact the ADR office for information regarding extending the Mediation deadline.). Date: ____________________ _______________________________________________ (TYPE OR PRINT MEDIATOR NAME) ______________________________________________ (SIGNATURE OF MEDIATOR) NOTE: The mediator must complete and forward this report to the parties and to the Alternative Dispute Resolution department within 10 days of the end of mediation, or by the ADR completion deadline set by the court. PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE ANY CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION ON THIS FORM (EVIDENCE CODE §1121.) Complete this form and email to adrweb@contracosta.courts.ca.gov , Fax (925) 957-5689 or mail: ADR Program, P.O. BOX 911, Martinez, CA 94553 MEDIATOR'S REPORT American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com ADR-305 Rev. 8/1/16