Stipulation Order For Court Ordered Arbitration {CIV-358} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

 California   Local County   San Diego   Civil 
Stipulation Order For Court Ordered Arbitration {CIV-358} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

Last updated: 5/29/2015

Stipulation Order For Court Ordered Arbitration {CIV-358}

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CIV-358, STIPULATION/ORDER FOR COURT-ORDERED ARBITRATION, A list of court arbitrators will be located in the arbitration department at each court location. The case will proceed to non-binding arbitration unless counsel prepare a stipulation for binding arbitration and obtain the signature of ALL clients. You should file the stipulation with the arbitration department or ask the arbitrator to attach the stipulation to the award. If binding, the award will be processed for judgment immediately upon filing with the court. If the case settles prior to the conclusion of the arbitration, it is the duty of the parties to notify the court in accordance with the California Rules of Court. Upon notification, the court will place the matter on a 45-day dismissal calendar. SDSC CIV-358 (Rev. 1/15) Mandatory Form.

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