Last updated: 8/17/2020
Citation To Discover Assets To Third Party {171-131}
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171 - 131 Rev. 1 2 /1 7 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS ) Plaintiff(s) ) vs. ) ) ) Defendant(s) ) and ) Gen No . ) Third Party Respondent ) CITATION TO DISCO VER ASSETS TO THIRD PARTY TO: (Name and Address of Respondent) YOU ARE REQUIRED to appear and/or file your answer to this Citation on the form enclosed herewith (or other appropriate answer) on , 20 at AM PM in Courtroom C - of the Circuit Court of Lake County, 18 N. County Street, Waukegan, Illinois , 60085 . A judgment against (judgment debtor) was entered on , and $ remains unsatisfied. YOU ARE PROHIBITED from making or allowing any transfer or other disposition of, or interfering with, a ny property not exempt from execution or garnishment belonging to the judgment debtor or to which the judgment debtor may be entitled or which may be acquired by or become due the judgment debtor until further order of court or termination of the proceedin gs. You are not required to withhold the payment of any money beyond double the amount of the balance due. If requested, you must produce documents and/or records containing information concerning the property or income of the Judgment Debtor. WARNING: IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR IN COURT AS DIRECTED IN THIS NOTICE, YOU MAY BE ARRESTED AND BROUGHT BEFORE THE COURT TO ANSWER TO A CHARGE OF CONTEMPT OF COURT, WHICH MAY BE PUNISHABLE BY IMPRISONMENT IN THE COUNTY JAIL. NOTE: Your written answer is sufficient for your appearance unless you received a further order to personally appear in court. CERTIFICATE OF ATTORNEY OR JUDGMENT CREDITOR Judgment Amount $ Balance Due $ Date of Ju dgment/Revival Name of Court E ntering Judgment Case No. The undersigned certifies, under penalties provided by law pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/1 - 109, that the information contained herein is true and correct. Prepared by: Attorney's Name: Pro Se WITNESS : Address: City: State: Phone: Zip Code: ARDC #: Clerk of Court E - mail Address : NOTE: A copy of this Citation and Notice must be mailed to the Defendant within 3 days of service, and a Certificate of Mailing must b e signed and filed with the clerk. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com 171 - 131 Rev. 1 2 /1 7 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS Gen No . Hearing Date THIRD PARTY RESPONDENT ANSWER TO CITATION PROCEEDINGS , certifies under penalty of perjury that with regard to the property of the judgment (Citation Respondent) debtor, the Citation Respondent files the following answers to this Citation to Discover Assets and is in possessio n of the following property of the judgment debtor. Circle one or more of the following and indicate the amount held: A) Savings Account (Amount withheld) $ B) Checking and/or Now Account (Amount withheld) $ C) Certificate of Deposit (Amount held) $ D) M oney M arket Account (Amount held) $ E) Trust Account (Amount held) $ F) Safety Deposit Box $ G) No Accounts H) Adverse Claimant: Name Address I) Wages, Salary or Commissions J) Other Personal Property (Describe) Attach a sheet for any additional information requi red by the Citation Sub - Total Less right of offset for other loans Less deduction for fees limited by 205 ILCS 5/48.1 To tal According to the business records kept by the Citation Respondent, we show the above information to be correct. Agent for Citation Respondent Respondent/Agent: A gent Name Date Business Name Address Phone Fax NOTE: A copy of this Answer should be mailed to the Court, Attorney for Plaintiff or Judgmen t Creditor and the Defendan t American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com