Motion For Continuance By Unrepresented Responent {OAH 23} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

 California   Statewide   Office Of Administrative Hearings   General Jurisdiction 
Motion For Continuance By Unrepresented Responent {OAH 23} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | California

Last updated: 8/31/2020

Motion For Continuance By Unrepresented Responent {OAH 23}

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DGS OAH 23, Request for Continuance by Unrepresented Party, (Government Code Section 11370.3), A request for continuance is a change to the scheduled hearing date or time. Continuances can only be granted for good cause. The person making the request for continuance has the burden to establish good cause for continuing the hearing. If you are a self-represented party in a General Jurisdiction case at OAH, you can submit a request to change your hearing date(s) or continue your hearing date(s). The request for continuance must be in writing. All documents filed with OAH must include proof of service to show that the document or documents were served on OAH and all other parties involved in the matter. When filing documents with the General Jurisdiction Division, parties must comply with California Code of Regulations, title 1, section 1008.

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