Residential Eviction Agreement Between Parties {05-29} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Oregon

 Oregon   Local County   Multnomah   Circuit Court 
Residential Eviction Agreement Between Parties {05-29} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Oregon

Last updated: 12/9/2020

Residential Eviction Agreement Between Parties {05-29}

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05-29 (2/15) Residential Eviction Agreement Between Parties Distribution: Original-Court FileCopies-Plaintiff, Defendant IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MULTNOMAH 1021 SW 4TH AVENUE, PORTLAND OR 97204 LANDLORD TENANT DEPARTMENT Case No: Plaintiff (Landlord or Agent) v. RESIDENTIAL EVICTION (Landlord/Tenant) A greement Between Parties Defendant (Tenant or Occupant) Defendant(s) agree(s) to vacate the premises: (including return of the keys) no later than Payment Plan: Defendant(s) shall pay to the Plaintiff the following sums, on each of the following dates: 1. $ on 20 4.$ on 20 2. $ on 20 5.$ on 20 3 . $ o n 20 6.$ o n 20 Future Rents: Defendant(s) agree to make the following monthly rents for each month indicated: , , , Additional Terms: American LegalNet, Inc.

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