Mothers Petition To Establish Parentage Allocate Responsibilities Of Minor Child(ren) | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Illinois

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Mothers Petition To Establish Parentage Allocate Responsibilities Of Minor Child(ren) | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Illinois

Last updated: 1/29/2021

Mothers Petition To Establish Parentage Allocate Responsibilities Of Minor Child(ren)

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MOTHER'S PETITION TO ESTABLISH PARENTAGE AND ALLOCATE PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF MINOR CHILD(REN). Use this form to ask the Court to establish parentage and allocation of parental responsibilities of your child(ren). You can use this form if all of these things are true: • You are the mother of the child(ren) (use a different form if you are the father); • There are no court or administrative orders about the parentage of the child(ren) (including any divorce orders that describe the child(ren) as "child(ren) of the marriage"); • You did not sign a valid Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity (VAP) for the child(ren); • You are not currently married to the Respondent (the other parent), and, if you ever were married to him, you got divorced at least 300 days before the birth of the child(ren); and • The child(ren) and Respondent (the other parent) have certain connections to Illinois. (See sections 4 and 8 of this form for more information.)

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