Last updated: 1/25/2021
Request And Order To Appear By Telephone (Small Claims) {SC-053}
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SDSC SC - 053 ( Rev. 12/17 ) REQUEST AND ORDER TO APPEAR BY TELEPHONE Page 1 of 2 Mandatory Form (SMALL CLAIMS) PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name and address): TELEPHONE NO.: FAX NO.(Optional): EMAIL ADDRESS (Optional): FOR COURT USE ONLY SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO CENTRAL DIVISION, SMALL CLAIMS , 330 W. BROADWAY, SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 PLAINTIFF (S) DEFENDANT (S) CASE NUMBER REQUEST AND ORDER TO APPEAR BY TELEPHONE ( SMALL CLAIMS ) HEARING DATE TIME: DEPT: When requesting to appear by telephone due to a disability, use Request for Accommodations by Persons with Disabilities and Response (JC Form #MC - 410) in place of this form. 1. I, , am the plaintiff defendant other : i n this case. 2. I ask the court to allow me to appear by telephon e through the designated provider , CourtCall, LLC on at a.m. p.m. in Department of the above - named court. I understand a fee will be cha r ged by CourtCall, LLC for this service . 3. The type of hearing I am requesting to appear by telephone is: t rial on the c laim o ther: . 4. I would like the court to consider the following informati on in making its decision whether to allow a n appearance by telephon e . (Note: The court can still deny your request even though boxes are checked.) a. I live outside of the County of San Diego, in (specify location) : . b. I work outside of the County of San Diego, in (specify location) : . c . Other: . TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR A N APPEARANCE BY 1. I f the applicant has been ordered to personally appear at the hearing , he or she is not eligible to appear by telephone . 2. The court has discretion to permit a n appearance by telephone if it is appropriate, or to deny the request if it determines that a personal appearance would materially assist in the determination of the proceedings or the effective management or resolution of the ca se. 3. At any time during the appearance by telephone , the court may determine that a personal appearance is necessary, continue the matter, and require a personal appearance . 4. If a request is granted, the party is responsible for contacting the ed provider , CourtCall, LLC, at ( 888 ) 882 - 6878, prior to the hearing date to arrange for the appearance by telephone . The party is also responsible for paying all associated fees to CourtCall, LLC. 6. The court will try to accommodate unexpected problems associated with a n appearance by telephone ; however, absent ppearance or a continuance, and the court may decide the matter based on the information and evidence before it. 7. A n appearance by telephone does not relieve a party of any obligations otherwise associated with a personal appearance, including the timely filing, service, and lodgment of all documents. 8. A n appearance by telephone does not grant a party any additional rights otherwise not associated with a personal appearance, including the opportunity to inspect documents or evidence properly submitted by another party and the ability to see all nonverbal aspects of the hearing. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com SDSC SC - 053 ( Rev. 12/17 ) REQUEST AND ORDER TO APPEAR BY TELEPHONE Page 2 of 2 Mandatory Form (SMALL CLAIMS) SHORT TITLE CASE NUMBER 9. A request to appear by telephone should be filed with the court and served on all parties at least 1 5 court days before the scheduled hearing date. 10. Any e vidence submitted to the court must be received at least 10 court days before the scheduled hearing date. DO NOT SEND ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS . Evidence will not be returned. I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL OF THE ABOVE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR A N APPEARANCE BY TELEPHONE AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THEM. TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, I AM ELIGIBLE FOR THIS APPEARANCE BY TELEPHONE . I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: Type or Print Name Signature ORDER The request to appear by telephone on at a.m. p.m. in Department is: GRANTED . DENIED . The court finds that an appearance by telephone for this hearing is not appropriate under the circumstances. Hearing reset/ continued to at a.m. p.m. in Department . OTHER ORDERS : . IT IS ORDERED. Date: Judge/Commissioner of the Superior Court American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com