Calendar Request | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | North Carolina

 North Carolina   Local County   Brunswick (District 13) 
Calendar Request | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | North Carolina

Last updated: 3/31/2021

Calendar Request

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File No STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF ____________________ IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION Name Plaintiff _____________________________________ CALENDAR REQUEST Vs [ ] Jury Name Defendant [ ] Non-Jury _____________________________________ 1. It is requested that the above case be set for [ ] Motion [ ] Trial. If for Motion, descibe: ________________________________________________ . 2. If request is for trial, I certify that: [ ] All issues have been joined, that the case is ready for trial, and that counsel is prepared for trial. [ ] The case is entitled to a priority setting in accordance with N.C.G.S._____________________________. [ ] There are pre-trial motions to be heard. The amount of time that it will take to hear them is __________________________. [ ] I estimate that the length of trial will be ___________ days. 3. Opposing counsel and I have conferred and agreed that the following tria l session dates are satisfactory: 1. ____________________ 2. ____________________ 3. ____________________. 4. Opposing counsel and I have not conferred, however, the following trial session dates are satisfactory with me. 1. ____________________ 2. ____________________ 3. ____________________. 5. Name of attorney: _______________________________ Date:________ - ____ - __ Counsel for: [ ] Plaintiff [ ] Defendant 6. Copies to: A) Trial Court Coordinator Date: _________________ B) __________________________________ Date: _________________ Opposing Counsel C) __________________________________ Date: _________________ Opposing Counsel LGF-CV402 American LegalNet, Inc.

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