Last updated: 7/12/2021
Application For Membership (In Bar Association)
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American LegalNet, Inc.www.USCourtForms.comTHE BAR ASSOCIATION OF THEUNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTFOR THE DISTRICT OF NEW MEXICO333 Lomas Boulevard NW, Suite 270Albuquerque, NM 87102Attn: Matthew J. Dykman, Clerk of CourtAPPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIPApplication is hereby made by the undersigned for membership in The Bar Association of the United States District Courtfor the District of New Mexico.Name:Firm Name or Type of Practice:Business Address: City: State and Zip Code: Business Telephone (include area code): Facsimile Number (include area code):Date of Application:Year of Admission to the State Bar of New Mexico: Year of Admission to the United States District Court for the District of New Mexico: Principal area or type of federal practice: I understand that the goals of The Bar Association of the United States District Court for the District ofNew Mexico are as set forth below, and by this Application I agree to participate meaningfully in the programs andactivities of the Bar Association in support of its goals.1.To improve the lines of communication between the members of the United States District Court andmembers of the federal bar in New Mexico.2.To present continuing legal education programs and conferences of special interest to the federal bar,including a mentoring program for less experienced practitioners, and other specialized training programsdesigned to strengthen the quality of practice in the federal courts.3.To provide input to the judges of the District of New Mexico and to the appropriate federal rulescommittees concerning needed changes in the rules governing the practice of law.4.To engage in such activities and programs as will promote timely and equal justice at the lowest practicalcost for all litigants, including pro se litigants, in the District of New Mexico.Signature of Applicant