Order Transferring Supervision To Treatment Court Program {MC 394} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

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Order Transferring Supervision To Treatment Court Program {MC 394}  | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Michigan

Last updated: 8/2/2021

Order Transferring Supervision To Treatment Court Program {MC 394}

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Approved, SCAO Original - Transferring court 1st copy - Treatment court program 2nd copy - Defendant/Juvenile 3rd copy - Prosecutor (transferring court) STATE OF MICHIGAN JUDICIAL DISTRICT JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Court address CASE NO. ORDER TRANSFERRING SUPERVISION TO DRUG MENTAL HEALTH VETERANS TREATMENT COURT PROGRAM Court telephone no. The State of Michigan THE PEOPLE OF v Defendant's/Juvenile's name, address, and telephone no. CTN Offense(s) SID DOB 1. The defendant/juvenile is accepted into the treatment court program and has agreed in writing to the terms of participation. 2. Findings have been made on the record and the transferring court accepted the defendant's/juvenile's plea of guilty (for adult defendant). admission of responsibility (for juvenile). plea of no contest (for adult defendant in mental health court). conviction (for adult defendant in mental health court). IT IS ORDERED: 3. This case is transferred to the Name of court treatment court program for supervision. 4. The transferring court maintains jurisdiction over the defendant/juvenile until final disposition of the case, and if placed on probation, no longer than the probation period established by MCL 771.2. 5. The defendant/juvenile shall a. comply with all orders entered by the judge of the transferring court and the judge of the treatment court program. b. pay to the transferring court all fines, costs, restitution, and assessments as ordered in the judgment of sentence, order delaying sentence, or probation order deferring judgment. c. pay any fee imposed by the treatment court program as allowed by law. Date Judge (transferring court) Bar no. MCL 600.1060 et seq., MCL 600.1090 et seq., MCL 600.1200 et seq., SCAO Administrative Memorandum 2015-01 MC 394 (5/15) ORDER TRANSFERRING SUPERVISION TO TREATMENT COURT PROGRAM American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com

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