Request For Hearing On Protective Order Modification {MSC-CR-030} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

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Request For Hearing On Protective Order Modification {MSC-CR-030} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

Last updated: 7/12/2021

Request For Hearing On Protective Order Modification {MSC-CR-030}

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SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF MERCED REQUEST FOR HEARING ON PROTECTIVE ORDER MODIFICATION Page 1 of 1 For Mandatory Use MSC-CR-030 [Rev. J 1, 201] REQUEST FOR HEARING ON PROTECTIVE ORDER MODIFICATION Case Number: Case Name: P eople v. Name of Requesting Party : I am the: Defendant (Restrained Person) Victim (Protected Person) Family Court Deputy District Attorney Defense Attorney Probation Officer I request that the above - referenced case be set for hearing for Modification of Protective Order. There is another restraining Order in effect in Case #(s): . I am requesting this because: Family Court Restraining Order is different (Attach Order). Protected person (victim) wants to have a no contact order. Protected person (victim) wishes to allow for peaceful contact. Restrained person (defendant) and protected person (victim) would like to live together. There is an order for visitation and this order needs to be modified to allow for peaceful contact for visitation/custody. Other: I will have this request and attached documents served on at l east 5 days before the hearing. DATE: Signature of Requesting Party ORDER The Court makes the following Orders: The Request is denied. This matter is to be set for hearing in Courtroom on at a.m. or p.m. Comments: Dated: Ju American LegalNet, Inc.

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