Stipulation And Order To Appropriate Dispute Resolution {ADR-CV-1} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

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Stipulation And Order To Appropriate Dispute Resolution {ADR-CV-1} | Pdf Fpdf Docx | California

Last updated: 8/5/2021

Stipulation And Order To Appropriate Dispute Resolution {ADR-CV-1}

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Form ADR-CV-1 [Rev. May 2019] S UPERIOR C OURT OF C ALIFORNIA, C OUNTY OF S AN M ATEO M ULTI O PTION A DR P ROJECT HALL OF JUSTICE AND RECORDS 400 COUNTY CENTER REDWOOD CITY, CALIFORNIA 94063 ADR Stipulation and Evaluation Instructions In accordance with Local R ule 2.3( H )(3) , all parties going to ADR must complete a Stipulation and Order to ADR and file it with the Clerk of the Superior Court. The Office of the Clerk is located at: Clerk of the Superior Court, Civil Division Attention: Case Management Conference Clerk Superior Court of California, County of San Mateo 400 County Center Redwood City, CA 94063 - 1655 There is no filing fee for filing the stipulation. An incomplete stipulation will be returned to the parties by include the following: Original signatures for all attorneys (and/or parties in pro per); The name of the neutral; Date of the ADR session; and Service List (Counsel need not serve the stipulation on parties). Parties mutually agree on a neutral and sched ule ADR sessions directly with the neutral. If parties would w . If Filing the Stipulation Prior to an Initial Case Management Conference To stipulate to ADR prior to the initial case management conference, parties must file a completed stipulation at least 10 days before the scheduled case m anagement conference. The clerk will send notice of a new case management conference date approximately 90 days from the current date to allow time for the ADR process to be completed. If Filing Stipulation Following a Case Management Conference When part ies come to an agreement at a case management conference to utilize ADR, they have 21 days from the date of the case management conference to file a Stipulation and Order to ADR with the court [ Local Rule 2.3( H )(3) ]. Post - ADR Session Evaluations Local Rul e 2.3( H )(5) requires submission of post - ADR session evaluations within 10 days of completion of the ADR process. Evaluations are to be filled out by both attorneys and clients. A copy of the Evaluation By Attorneys and Client Evaluation are attached to the Civil ADR Program Panelist List or site. Non - Binding Judicial Arbitration Names and dates are not needed for stipulations to judicial arbitration. The Judicial Arbitration Administrator will send a list of names to parties once a stipulation has been submitted. dr or contact the ADR offices at (650) 261 - 5075 or (650) 261 - 5076 . American LegalNet, Inc. Form ADR-CV-1 [Rev. May 2019] Attorney or Party without Attorney (Name, Address, Telephone, Fax, State Bar membership number): Court Use Only SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN MATEO Hall of Justice and Records 400 County Center Redwood City, CA 94063-1655 (650) 6-1 Plaintiff(s): Case number: Defendant(s): Current CMC Date: STIPULATION AND ORDER TO APPROPRIATE DISPUTE RESOLUTIONPlaintiff will file this stipulation with the Clerk222s Office 10 days prior to or 3 weeks following the first Case Management Conference unless directed otherwise by the Court and ADR Director [Local Rule 2.3(H)(3)]. Please attach a Service List.The parties hereby stipulate that all claims in this action shall be submitted to (select one):002 Voluntary Mediation 002 Binding Arbitration (private)002 Neutral Evaluation 002 Settlement Conference (private) 002 Non-Binding Judicial Arbitration CCP 1141.12 002 Summary Jury Trial 002 Other: Case Type: Neutral222s name and telephone number: Date of session: (Required for continuance of CMC except for non-binding judicial arbitration)Identify by name the parties to attend ADR session: Original Signatures Type or print name of 002Party without attorney 002Attorney for (Signature)002Plaintiff/Petitioner 002Defendant/Respondent/Contestant Attorney or Party without attorney Type or print name of 002Party without attorney 002Attorney for (Signature)002Plaintiff/Petitioner 002Defendant/Respondent/Contestant Attorney or Party without attorney Type or print name of 002Party without attorney 002Attorney for (Signature)002Plaintiff/Petitioner 002Defendant/Respondent/Contestant Attorney or Party without attorney Type or print name of 002Party without attorney 002Attorney for (Signature)002Plaintiff/Petitioner 002Defendant/Respondent/Contestant Attorney or Party without attorneyIT IS SO ORDERED: Date: Judge of the Superior Court of San Mateo County American LegalNet, Inc.

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