Last updated: 11/8/2021
Three Day Notice To Tenant (Demand For Payment Or Possession)
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THREE DAY NOTICE TO TENANT Demand for Payment or Possession FS 83.56 Date Sent: ___________________________ To: ___________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ County: ______________________ You are hereby notified that you are indebted to me in the sum of $__________, for the rent and use of the premises located at _________________________________ __________________________________ (address of leased premises, including county and state), now occupied by you. I demand payment of the rent in full, or possession of the premises, within three (3) days (excluding Saturday, Sunday, or legal holidays) from the date of delivery of this notice, specifically on or before the following date: ______________________________ (month, date, and year). I certify that a copy of this Notice was served on the tenant named above, at the address noted above, on ____________________________ (date), by one of the following methods (check one): _____ Mail _____ Hand delivery to tenant _____ Copy left at premises __________________________________ Landlord's Signature __________________________________ Landlord's Printed Name __________________________________ Landlord's Street Address __________________________________ Landlord's City, State & Zip __________________________________ Landlord's Phone # American LegalNet, Inc.