Last updated: 12/1/2021
Complaint To Recover Motor Vehicle Held For Lien And To Determine Amount Of Lien {CVM-900M}
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en-USSTATE OF NORTH CAROLINAen-US en-US Countyen-USIn The General Court Of Justiceen-USDistrict Court Division - Small Claims en-USFile No. en-USCOMPLAINTen-USTO RECOVER MOTOR VEHICLE en-USHELD FOR LIEN AND TOen-USDETERMINE AMOUNT OF LIEN en-USThe motor vehicle described below is located in the county named above. I am the owner of the motor vehicle þ who repairs, services, tows or stores property. þ who operates a business for garaging or parking motor vehicles for the public. þ who is a landowner on whose property the motor vehicle was abandoned. en-USREQUEST FOR ORDER FOR IMMEDIATE POSSESSION þ Pursuant to G.S. 44A-4(a), I deposit with the Clerk of Superior Court in cash the full amount claimed as en-USlien by the defendant. I request the Clerk to issue an order to the defendant to relinquish possession of the en-USproperty to me.en-USNOTICE TO DEFENDANT: en-USIf the amount of lien the plaintiff stated you claimed is not the correct amount owed, you en-USen-USen-USTelephone No.en-USTelephone No. en-USName And Address Of Plaintiff222s Attorneyen-USCounty en-USAttorney Bar No.en-USG.S. 44A-4(a), 20-77(d)en-USVERSUS en-USDescription Of Motor Vehicleen-USAmount Claimed As Lien By Defendanten-USAmount Undisputed By Plaintiff (amount I owe)en-USen-USamount undisputed by me.en-USThe defendant claims that the full amount I owe the defendant is as stated below. en-US(Attach copy of bill, if available.)en-USDateen-USDateen-USen-US en-USSWORN/AFFIRMED AND SUBSCRIBED TO BEFORE MEen-USSEAL þ en-USNotary þ en-US þ en-US þ en-USen-US$en-US$American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com