Last updated: 10/2/2023
Civil Case Filing Statement {UJS 232}
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UJS - 232 Rev. 10 /23 / 201 8 CASE FILING STATEMENT - Informational O nly; N ot R etained in C ase R ecords Provide the Case File No. for the record you are filing into or the Case Type if initiating a new action : * A vailable Case Type options can be found on the UJS internet website at spx . USC 666(a)(13)(B). All filers are required to provide the SSN or DL# for each of their participants regardless of the case typ e. Business entities must provide EIN numbers in lieu of SSN or DL#. INFORMATION FOR PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER/APPLICANT: Last/Business Name First Name Middle Suffix Physical Address City State Zip Check if Same as Physical Mailing Address City State Zip Date of Birth: mo/day/ yr Home: Work: Cell: - - Social Security No. Employer ID (if plf is a business) Attorney: Last Name First Phone No. . State Bar ID # Mailing Address City State Zip INFORMATION FOR DEFENDANT/RESPOND E NT: Last/Business Name First Name Middle Suffix Physical Address City Sta te Zip Check if Same as Physical Mailing Address City State Zip Date of Birth: mo/day/ yr Home: Work: Cell: - - Social Security No. Employer ID (if def is a business) Attorney: Last Name First Phone No. . State Bar ID # Mailing Address City State Zip American LegalNet, Inc.