Last updated: 1/6/2022
Notice Of Arbitration Hearing {UCS 137-6}
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UCS 137-6 (2/04) ___________________________________ (Office Use Only) In the Matter of Fee Dispute Arbitration between Case Number: ________________ , Client and NOTICE OF ARBITRATION HEARING , Attorney ___________________________________ To: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that an arbitration hearing to determine the fee disp ute between the above parties will be held on __________________________________________, 200__, at _________ (a.m.) (p.m.), at ______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ____. The arbitrator(s) hearing the dispute will be: ________________________________________________________________________ ______ ________________________________________________________________________ ______ ________________________________________________________________________ ____. You are required to bring to the hearing all evidence that you intend to introduce and to present any witnesses that you will call to testify on your behalf. If you wish a record to be made of the arbitration hearing, you may provide, at your own expense, a stenographer or other record. If you have any objection to a particular arbitrator who has been designated to hear this case, you must provide your objections to the undersigned within 5 days of your receipt of this Notice. Dated:_____________________, 20__ Local Program Address ______ ___________ Signat ure American LegalNet, Inc. www.USCourtForms.com