Unidentified Person Termination Of Parent Rights Order Of Notice {JD-JM-61A} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Connecticut

 Connecticut   Statewide   Juvenile 
Unidentified Person Termination Of Parent Rights Order Of Notice {JD-JM-61A} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Connecticut

Last updated: 4/8/2022

Unidentified Person Termination Of Parent Rights Order Of Notice {JD-JM-61A}

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UNIDENTIFIED PERSON/ TERMINATION OF PARENT RIGHTS ORDER OF NOTICE JD-JM-61A Rev. 10-11 C.G.S. 45a-716(c), 46b-129(a), 52-52, PA 11-51, Sec. 19 Pr. Bk. Sec. 11-6, 11-7, 33a-4 STATE OF CONNECTICUT SUPERIOR COURT JUVENILE MATTERS www.jud.ct.gov NOTICE TO PRINTER: SET COPY IN BLOCK IN ONE COLUMN. INCLUDE ONLY THE BOXES CHECKED BELOW. RUN UNDER LEGAL NOTICES. Notice to Unidentified Person of parts unknown. A petition/motion has been filed seeking termination of the above unidentified person's parental rights in the Male to Mother's first name and last initial Female minor child born on Child's date of birth , in the Town, state . The petition, whereby the court's decision can impact your parental rights, if any, regarding the minor child will be heard on: at .m. at It is therefore, ORDERED, that notice of the hearing of this petition/motion be given by publishing this Order of Notice once, immediately upon receipt, in the: a newspaper having a circulation in the town/city of: Name of Judge (Print or type) Signed (Judge/Clerk) Date signed Right to Counsel: Upon proof of inability to pay for a lawyer, the court will make sure that an attorney is provided to you by the Chief Public Defender. Request for an attorney should be made immediately in person, by mail, or by fax at the court office where your hearing is to be held. (Page 1 of 2) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Note to Publisher: Immediately following publication return the original Order and Certification to the court address in the Order. If not received at court prior to the scheduled hearing date, payment for publication will not be authorized. A bill and duplicate proof of publication should be sent to: Certification State of: Date: Judicial District } ss. The subscriber, being duly sworn, deposes and says that the foregoing Order of Notice was published and appeared in said newspaper on the day of 20 Attach Notice as it appeared in the newspaper Signature and Title Subscribed and sworn to this day of 20 before me. Notary Public JD-JM-61A Rev. 10-11 (Page 2 of 2) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com

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