Motion For Post Decree Temporary Order Without Notice For Modification {DRMCE11f} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Arizona

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Motion For Post Decree Temporary Order Without Notice For Modification {DRMCE11f} | Pdf Fpdf Doc Docx | Arizona

Last updated: 4/12/2022

Motion For Post Decree Temporary Order Without Notice For Modification {DRMCE11f}

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Person Filing: (A) Address (if not protected): City, State, Zip Code: Telephone: Email Address: ATLAS Number: Lawyer222s Bar Number: Representing Self, without a Lawyer or Attorney for Petitioner OR Respondent SUPERIOR COURT OF ARIZONA IN MARICOPA COUNTY Case Number: MOTION FOR POST-DECREE Name of Petitioner/Party A TEMPORARY ORDER WITHOUT NOTICE FOR MODIFICATION OF LEGAL DECISION-MAKING/ Name of Respondent / Par ty B PARENTING TIME Other: I MAKE THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS TO THE COURT UNDER OATH OR BY AFFIRMATION: 1. MY NAME IS: (Name of Person asking for Emergency Order) 2.REASONS WHY I NEED THIS ORDER. Explain in detail the emergency facts which now exist,what irreparable injury (serious or life-threatening injury or damage that cannot be prevented or undone)to you or the child(ren) that might occur without this Order: (Use additional paper if necessary): Check here if continued on attached page(s). 3.PEOPLE INVOLVED. This Motion concerns the following people: Name of Par ty A : Name of Party B : Name of Other Person: Name of Other Person: Name(s) of Children: FOR CLERK222S USE ONLY 251 Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County DRMCE11f -0 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 1 of 4 American LegalNet, Inc. Case No. 4.REQUIRED INFORMATION: NOTICE OR REASONS WHY NOTICE NOT ATTEMPTED. Actual Notice regarding a request that affects another party222s rights concerning his or her children isnormally required. Check the box to indicate whether you gave or attempted to give notice to any otherparties or their attorneys. I GAVE or ATTEMPTED TO GIVE NOTICE TO THE OTHER PARTY AS FOLLOWS: Explain when, how, and to whom you attempted to give notice. OR I DID NOT ATTEMPT TO GIVE NOTICE BECAUSE: If you checked this box you MUST explain what injury, loss or damage you or the child(ren) would suffer if you gave the other party advance notice of this Motion. (Use additional paper if necessary). Check here if continued on attached page(s). 5. I FILED a 223regular224 Petition for modification of legal decision-making (legalcustody) and/or parenting time in the Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County on this date: . I attached a copy of that petition to the Judge222s copy and to the other party222s copy of this Motion. I WILL FILE a 223regular224 Petition for modification of legal decision-making (custody) and/or parenting time in the Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County AT THE SAME TIME I file this TEMPORARY EMERGENCY Motion I will attach a copy of that petition to the Judge222s copy of this Motion and to the other party222s copy of this Motion. 6.INFORMATION ABOUT OTHER EMERGENCY CASES INVOLVING THE SAMEPARTIES OR CHILDREN: Check the boxes that apply and write in the information requested. Current emergency cases: To the best of my knowledge, there are no pending proceedings for emergency orders about these children in any other court. (If this is not a true statement, this Court may not be able to enter an Order and you may want to consult a lawyer for advice.) Past emergency cases: Either or both parties have filed for emergency court orders in the past. (If so, complete the following information. Use additional paper if necessary.) Names of Parties: Case No. Date of Order, Judgment, Dismissal, etc.: Location of court (City and tate): Explain Type of Case: (Juvenile, Criminal, Order of Protection, etc.) 251 Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County DRMCE11f 226 0 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 2 of 4 American LegalNet, Inc. Case No. Explain what order or ju dgment said, or basis for dismissal: 7.ALL OTHER COURT CASES INVOLVING EITHER OR BOTH OF THE PARTIES: Describeall other court cases that involve either or both of the parties, whether pending or not, including criminal cases. Complete all the information for each court order (use extra paper if necessary). Names of Parties: Case No. Date of Order, Judgment, Dismissal, etc.: Location of court (City and tate): Explain Type of Case: (Juvenile, Criminal, Order of Protection, e tc.) Explain what order or judgment said, or basis for dismissal: Status of Case Now: Final Order Entered; Case is Over. Date Order/Judgment signed: Hearing Date Set On (date): at (time): Court Location/address: Other (explain in detail): Check here if continued on attached page(s). 8.ANY OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCY INVOLVEMENT WITH EITHER OR BOTH THESE PARTIES, OR THESE CHILDREN: State whether there have been or are any complaintswith or investigations by any government agency, including Arizona Department of Child Safety,involving the parties or the child(ren). If so, explain the agency, date, type of case, and status of case. 9. CRIMES OF EITHER PARTY: Explain here if either p or people involved with this Petition havebeen charged with committing a dangerous crime including child molestation or domestic violence: 251 Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County DRMCE11f 226 0 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 3 of 4 American LegalNet, Inc. Case No. I MAKE THE FOLLOWING REQUESTS TO THE COURT: 1.For a 223Temporary Modification Order Without Notice224 as follows: Check the boxes that apply: Awarding me Temporary Legal Decision-Making and Physical Custody of the child(ren) until a full court hearing. Canceling parenting time (formerly 223visitation224) for the other party until a full court hearing. Changing the parenting time schedule until a full court hearing, as follows: Other (explain): 2. For a court hearing where the parties can testify about the facts related to this 223Motion for aTemporary Modification Order Without Notice224 and the 223Petition for Modification of LegalDecision-aking (Custody) and/or Parenting Time,224 so that the Judge can decide whether tocontinue or modify the terms of any emergency (without notice) Order. 3.For any other order that is in the best interests of the minor children named above. UNDER OATH OR AFFIRMATION I swear or affirm under penalty of perjury that the contents of this document are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Date Signature STATE OF COUNTY OF Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me this: (date) By . (otary seal) Deputy Clerk or Notary Public 251 Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County DRMCE11f 226 0 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 4 of 4 American LegalNet, Inc.

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