Last updated: 8/2/2022
Paternity Packet
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INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUMMONS AND PETITION IN PATERNITY ACKNOWLEDGMENT ACTION UNDER §767.805 WIS. STATUTES. This form is intended for use by a parent who wishes to start a court action concerning custody, placement or support where both parents have jointly signed and filed with the State a statement acknowledging paternity. IT IS NOT TO BE USED to start an action to determine paternity in cases where there has not been an acknowledgment of paternity. It is not to be used if the paternity acknowledgment was signed before April 1, 1998. Please note that in addition to the Summons and Petition, you should also request a hearing by using the second form labeled "Notice of Motion & Motion for Hearing in a Paternity Acknowledgment Action." STEP 1: Fill out the forms Carefully review all of the following instructions before you complete the forms. Type or print neatly using black ink only. The packet includes the following forms: 1. Summons--Paternity Acknowledgment Action Under § 767.805 Wis. Stats. 2. Petition for Custody, Placement and Child Support--Paternity Acknowledgment Action Under § 767.805 Wis. Stats. 3. Notice of Motion & Motion for Hearing--Paternity Acknowledgment Action Under § 767.805 Wis. Stats. 4. Affidavit in Support of Motion for Hearing--Paternity Acknowledgment Action Under § 767.805 Wis. Stats. 5. Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act Affidavit (GF-150) 6. Confidential Petition Addendum (GF-179) 7. Application for Child Support Services (Completion is optional) **Note: If you have found this packet online, you will need to print forms GF-150, GF-179, and Application for Child Support Services separately. There are links from the Dane Co. Clerk of Courts Family Court Forms page at: https://courts.countyofdane.com/prepare/formfamily SUMMONS Page One In the caption at the top of the page, print your name on the line labeled "Petitioner". Print the other parent's name on the line labeled "Respondent". In the middle of the page, print your name on the first blank line. Print your address on the second and third lines. Page Three Date and sign the document at the bottom of page three. Print your address on the last line. PETITION FOR CUSTODY, PLACEMENT AND CHILD SUPPORT In the caption at the top of the page, print your name and address on the line labeled "Petitioner". Print the other parent's name and address on the line labeled "Respondent". 1 Last Updated: 07/2016 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com 1st Paragraph: In the first sentence, fill in your name after "I". In the blank at the end of the sentence fill in the date on which the paternity acknowledgment form was filed with the State. Print the child's name on the line under the label "NAME" and the child's date of birth on the line under the label "DOB". In the last paragraph which starts out "The petitioner requests the following relief", cross off the items that you do not want the court to order. Sign the form on the line labeled "Petitioner". Fill in the date below your signature. NOTICE OF MOTION & MOTION FOR HEARING AND AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR HEARING Read all of the instructions and fill out the forms labeled Notice of Motion for Hearing in Paternity Acknowledgment Action and the Affidavit in Support of Motion for Hearing. UNIFORM CHILD CUSTODY JURISDICTION ACT AFFIDAVIT (GF-150) Complete this form using the instructions in the left margin of the form to do so accurately. CONFIDENTIAL PETITION ADDENDUM (GF-179) Complete this form using the instructions in the left margin of the form to do so accurately. MAKE THREE ADDITIONAL COPIES OF SUMMONS, PETITION, NOTICE OF MOTION & MOTION, AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF MOTION. AND UNIFORM CHILD CUSTODY JURISDICTION ACT AFFIDAVIT AFTER YOUR SIGNATURE ON THE UNIFORM CHILD CUSTODY AFFIDAVIT IS NOTARIZED. ONLY ONE (1) COPY OF THE CONFIDENTIAL PETITION ADDENDUM IS NEEDED AT THE TIME OF FILING. Step 2: File all of your forms and pay the filing fee Take the original and three copies of the forms to the Clerk of Courts, Room 1000, Dane County Courthouse, 215 S. Hamilton St., Madison, WI 53703 in order to file the case. If you are requesting child support, you will have to pay the current Family Action to Commence with Petition for Maintenance or Support fee. If you are not requesting child support, the filing fee will be the current Family Action to Commence with NO Petition for Maintenance or Support fee. The fee chart may be obtained at https://courts.countyofdane.com/prepare/fees or in Room 1000 of the Dane County Courthouse. ***If you believe that you are entitled to a waiver of the fee because of poverty, fill out a Petition for Waiver of Filing and Service Fees available in the Clerk of Courts Office, Room 1000, Dane County Courthouse. The Court will determine if the fee can be waived. If you ask for a waiver, do so before paying any fees, not after. In order to receive a waiver, a requester receiving aid must provide: The completed Petition for Waiver of Fees and Costs Affidavit of Indigency and Order, Forms CV-410A and CV-410B; and The proposed pleading, original and required copies. 2 Last Updated: 07/2016 American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com If the requester does not receive aid, he/she must complete Section 2 of the Petition and provide the following: The completed Petition for Waiver of Fees and Costs Affidavit of Indigency and Order, Forms CV-410A and CV-410B; The proposed pleading, original and required copies; and Paystubs for the past 30 days for any type of income, earned or unearned; Taxes for self employment; Unemployment amounts, if any received; Child support payments received. 2. After filing the case in Room 1000, go to the Court Commissioners Center, Room 2000, to obtain a date for the hearing on your motion. 3. Obtain two Income and Expense Statement forms from the Dane County Law Library, Room L1007 of the Dane County Courthouse, or online on the Dane County Clerk of Courts Family Court Forms webpage https://courts.countyofdane.com/prepare/formfamily. Attach one blank form to the papers being served on the other party. Keep one form yourself; you must complete one and bring it to the hearing. 4. Complete an "Application for Child Support Services" (form available at DCLL, CCC, or online). The application should be completed (including your newly assigned court case number) and submitted to the Court Commissioner Center, Room 2000 of the Dane County Courthouse. Step 3: Serve the summons and petition, notice of motion fo