Case Information Cover Sheet | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Washington

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Case Information Cover Sheet | Pdf Fpdf Docx | Washington

Last updated: 11/1/2022

Case Information Cover Sheet

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IF YOU CANNOT DETERMINE THE APPROPRIATE CATEGORY, PLEASE DESCRIBE THE CAUSE OF ACTION BELOW. Please Note: Public information in court files and pleadings may be posted on a public Web site. FAMILY COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT Case Information Cover Sheet (CICS) Case Number Case Title Attorney Name Bar Membership Number Please check one category that best describes this case for indexing purposes. Accurate case indexing not only saves time in docketing new cases, but helps in forecasting needed judicial resources. Cause of action definitions are listed on the back of this form. Thank you for your cooperation. ADP Adoption OSC Out - of - State Child Custody ARY At - Risk Youth PAT Parentage Parental Determination CHN Confidential Name Change PPR Initial Pre - Placement Report CIR Committed Intimate Relationship PPS Parenting Plan / Child Support CNS Child in Need of Services PUR Parentage (URESA/UIFSA) CUS Child Custody REL Relinquishment DDP Developmental Disability RIC Reciprocal, Respondent In - County DEP Dependency ROC Reciprocal, Respondent Out - of - County DIC Dissolution of Marriage with Children RPR Reinstatement of Parental Rights DIN Dissolution of Marriage with No Children RVS Relative Visitation DPC Dissolution of Dom . Partnership - w/Children SEP Legal Separation DPN Dissolution of Dom . Partnership - No Children SPD Legal Separation Domestic Partnership EFC Extended Foster Care Services TER 5 Termination of Parental Rights - Parentage FJU Foreign Judgment Domestic TER 7 Termination of Parental Rights - Dependency GFC Guardianship Foster Care TRU Truancy INP Invalidity Domestic Partnership INV Annulment Invalidity MDS Modification Support Only MOD 3 D omestic Modification MOD 5 Parentage Modification MSC 3 Miscellaneous Domestic MSC 5 Miscellaneous Adoption MWA Mandatory Wage Assignment American LegalNet, Inc. DOMESTIC RELATIONS Annulment -- Invalidity -- Petition claiming an illegal or invalid marriage. Child Custody -- Petition involving the immediate charge and control of a child. Committed Intimate Relationship - Petition for distribution of property from a commi tted intimate relationship (i.e., a stable, marital - like relationship where both parties cohabit with knowledge that a lawful marriage between them does not exist). Dissolution with Children -- Petition to terminate a marriage other than annulment, with chil dren of that marriage. Dissolution with no Children -- Petition to terminate a marriage other than annulment, with no children of that marriage. Dissolution of Domestic Partnership With Children -- Petition to terminate a domestic partnership, other than annul ment, with children of that domestic partnership. Dissolution of Domestic Partnership With No Children -- Petition to terminate a domestic partnership, other than annulment, with no children of that domestic partnership. Foreign Judgment -- A judgment, decree, or order of a court of the United States, or any state or territory, which is entitled to full faith and credit in this state. Invalidity Domestic Partnership -- Petition to invalidate a domestic partnership. Legal Separation -- Petition to live separate and apart. Legal Separation - Domestic Partnership -- Petition to live separate and apart in a domestic partnership. Mandatory Wage Assignment -- Petition for wage assignment. Modification -- Petition seeking amendment of a previous order or decree. (MOD 3) Modification: Support Only -- Petition seeking amendment of a previous order or decree regarding support. Out - of - State Custody -- Recording custody established out - of - state. Parenting Plan/Child Support Petition for Residential Schedule/Parenting Plan/Child Su pport in circumstances set forth in RCW 26.26.375. Reciprocal, Respondent - in - County - Petition to enforce orders between states under URESA for respondents in the county. Reciprocal, Respondent - Out - of - County -- Petition to enforce orders between states under U RESA for respondents out of the county. D OMESTIC VIOLENCE/ ANTIHARASSMENT Confidential Name Change -- Petition for name change, when domestic violence/antiharassment issues require confidentiality. ADOPTION/ PARENTAGE (SCOMIS Case Type 5) Adoption -- Petition to establish a new, permanent relationship of parent and child not having that relationship. Confidential Intermediary -- Petition to appoint a confidential intermediary to contact the adopted person(s), birth parent(s), or other relative(s). Init ial Pre - Placement -- An initial pre - placement report filed on a child by the DSHS prior to the filing of adoption papers. Modification -- Petition seeking amendment of a previous order or decree. (MOD 5) Parentage -- Petition to determine the legal status of a parent . Paternity/URESA/UIFSA -- Petition to d etermine the legal status of a parent which is filed in conjunction with the reciprocal report entered under the URESA or UIFSA acts. Relinquishment -- Petition to relinquish a child to DSHS, an agency, or a prospective adoptive parent. (Title 26) Termination of Parent - Child Relationship -- Petition to terminate a parent - child relationship when parent has not executed a written consent. (TER 5) DEPENDENCY At - Risk Youth - Petition to request available juvenile court services for personal or family situations that present a serious and imminent threat to the at - risk child or family (RCW 13.32A.120 or 13.32A.150). Child in Need of Services - Petition to the court to allow out - of - home placement of a minor. Dependency - Petition alleging a person under the age of 18 is dependent and requires court intervention to ensure his or her well - being (RCW 13.34.040). File a guardianship petition under the existing dependency action. D o not change the cause - of - action code if the dependency action results in the filing of a guardianship petition (RCW 13.34.230).Note: A termination petition should always be a new cause of action, and should not be filed under the dependency action. Develo pmental Disability Placement Petition for a voluntary placement agreement when the sole reason for the out - of - (RCW 74.13.350). Ext ended Foster Care Services Extended foster care services cases will include (1) Youth in an open dependency case who, upon turning 18 years of age, request extended foster care services under criteria set out in Chapter 332 Laws 2013; and (2) Youth whose dependency cases were dismi ssed at age 18 and who subsequently request extended foster care services through a voluntary placement agreement prior to turning age 19. Guardianship Foster Children Petition filed by any party to a dependency proceeding to request a guardianship be e stablished for a child in foster care. Reins tatement of Parental Rights Petition filed by a child requesting reinstatement of the previously terminated parental rights. Re lative Visitation relative, other than a ch visitation with the dependent child. Termination - Petition for a termination of a parent and child relationship following a finding of dependency and other criteria set forth in RCW 13.34.180. A termination petition should always be a new cause of action, and should not be filed under the dependency acti on. (TER 7) Truancy (TRU ) - Petition to request the juvenile court to intervene on behalf of a juvenile who is unjustifiably truant from school (RCW 28A.225.030). American LegalNet, Inc.

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