Motion To Modify Plan To Allow A Moratorium Of Payment (Conduit Plan) | Pdf Fpdf Docx | South Carolina

 South Carolina   Federal   Bankruptcy Court   General 
Motion To Modify Plan To Allow A Moratorium Of Payment (Conduit Plan) | Pdf Fpdf Docx | South Carolina

Last updated: 9/23/2022

Motion To Modify Plan To Allow A Moratorium Of Payment (Conduit Plan)

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EXHIBIT A TO SC LBR 3015-1 UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA IN RE: CASE NO: CHAPTER: NOTICE, CHAPTER 13 PLAN, MOTIONS TO VALUE SECURITY, AVOID JUDICIAL LIEN, AVOID A NONPURCHASEMONEY, NONPOSSESSORY SECURITY INTEREST AND LIEN, AND/OR TO ASSUME OR REJECT AN EXECUTORY CONTRACT/UNEXPIRED LEASE DEBTOR(S) I. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND PARTIES IN INTEREST: The debtor1 has filed a chapter 13 bankruptcy case and listed you as a creditor or interested party. The debtor has filed the following chapter 13 plan and motions which may affect your rights. Failure to object may constitute an implied acceptance of and consent to the relief requested in this document. A. ADDITIONS, MODIFICATIONS, OR DELETIONS: All additions or modifications to the Court's form plan (See exhibits to SC LBR 3015-1 and 3015-2, %22SC LBR%22 refers to the SC Local Bankruptcy Rules, available at are highlighted by italics. Deletions are noted as %22Not Applicable%22 or by striking through the deleted provisions. If changes are substantial or if an alternative plan is proposed, a cover sheet that summarizes and identifies the changes shall be filed and served herewith. B. DEADLINE FOR FILING OBJECTIONS, NOTICE OF HEARING ON CONFIRMATION OF CHAPTER 13 PLAN AND MOTIONS: Objections to the motions and any provision of the plan must be made in accordance with SC LBR 9014-1, properly served, and filed with the United States Bankruptcy Court, 1100 Laurel Street, Columbia, SC 29201, within twenty-five (25) days from the date this document is filed. Timely objections will be heard at the confirmation hearing, notice of which is given separately in the Notice of Meeting of Creditors. If a timely objection is filed after the confirmation hearing, a separate hearing on the objection will be scheduled and notice of such a hearing will be given. If no timely objection is filed, the Court, upon recommendation of the chapter 13 trustee and without further hearing or notice, may enter an order confirming the plan and granting the motions. II. MOTION TO VALUE SECURITY, AVOID JUDICIAL LIEN, AVOID A NONPURCHASEMONEY, NONPOSSESSORY SECURITY INTEREST AND LIEN, AND/OR TO ASSUME OR REJECT AN EXECUTORY CONTRACT/UNEXPIRED LEASE. The debtor requests that confirmation of this plan alter the rights of the following creditor: A. Nonpossessory, Nonpurchase-Money Lien: The debtor moves, pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 522(f), to avoid the following nonpossessory, nonpurchase-money security interest and lien in household goods: Name of creditor and description of property securing lien Value of Debtor's interest in property Total of all other liens Exemption claimed Estimated security interest/debt Security interest Not avoided (see IV(B)(4) below) Security interest to be avoided (see IV(E) below) 1 When used herein, the term %22debtor%22 shall apply as applicable either in the singular or in the plural, if there are joint debtors in the case. American LegalNet, Inc. B. Judicial Lien: The debtor moves, pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 522(f), to avoid the following judicial lien:2 Name of creditor and description of property securing lien Value of Debtor's interest in property Total of all other liens Exemption claimed Estimated judicial lien Judicial lien Not avoided (see IV(B)(4) below) Judicial lien avoided (see (IV(E) below) C. Valuation of Security: The debtor moves, in accordance with 11 U.S.C. § 506, to establish the value of a lien as follows: Name of creditor and description of property securing lien Value of Debtor's interest in property Holder and amount of superior liens Estimate of creditor's claim Value of lien (see IV(B)(4) below) Unsecured claim after valuation (see IV(E) below) D. Assumption or Rejection of Executory Contract/Unexpired Lease: The debtor moves for the assumption of the following executory contract and/or unexpired lease. The debtor agrees to abide by all terms of the agreement and to cure any pre-petition arrearage or default in the manner below. Any executory contract or unexpired lease not specifically mentioned is rejected. Name of Creditor and lease or contract to be assumed Amount of regular payment Estimated amount of Default (state if none) Cure Provisions for any default paid by (Debtor or trustee) Regular payments to be paid by Debtor directly to creditor beginning (month/year) III. THE CHAPTER 13 PLAN: PAYMENT OBLIGATIONS OF THE DEBTOR. A. Payments from the debtor to the chapter 13 trustee (the %22trustee%22): The debtor submits to the supervision and control of the trustee all or such portion of future earnings or other future income as is necessary for the execution of the plan. In addition, the debtor will pay to the trustee any portion of a recovery under a pre-petition claim or cause of action that constitutes disposable income or is not exempt. The debtor shall pay to the trustee the sum of $ _____per month for a period of _____ months, unless all allowed claims (other than long-term claims) are fully paid pursuant to the plan. B. Payments from the debtor directly to creditors: The debtor shall pay all post-petition priority obligations, including but not limited to taxes and post-petition domestic support, and pay regular payments on assumed executory contracts or leases, directly to the holder of the claim as the obligations come due, unless otherwise ordered by the Court. The debtor may be required to pay some or a portion of pre-petition debts directly to a creditor in addition to required payments to the trustee, as indicated in paragraph II(D) above and/or in the paragraphs that follow. IV. PLAN DISTRIBUTIONS TO CREDITORS. To receive a distribution from the trustee, a proof of claim, including adequate supporting documentation, must be filed with the Court. If a claim designated in this plan as secured is filed as an unsecured claim and the plan is confirmed, the claim may be treated as unsecured for purposes of plan distributions by the trustee. If a creditor files a proof of claim alleging that the claim is secured, but does not timely object to the confirmation of the plan and the claim is treated as unsecured in a confirmed plan, the claim may be treated as unsecured for purposes of plan distributions by the trustee. Confirmation of this plan does not bar a party in interest from objecting to a claim. The trustee, after the deduction of the trustee's commission and expenses, or the debtor, as indicated, shall make 2 For co-owned property, see In re Ware, 274 B.

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