Last updated: 9/11/2018
Bill Of Costs
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SUPERIORCOURTOFTHEDISTRICTOFCOLUMBIACIVILDIVISIONBILLOFCOSTSCivilActionFileNoJudgmenthaving been in theabove entitledactiononthedayof C:;c:i,"CT.C;;;;;;;;o;' 20225 against-;;c;;c;;;-;;;;;;;;;- theclerkis requestedtotax thefollowing ascosts: BILLOFCOSTS Fees oftheclerk Fees ofthe marshalFeea ofthe courtreporter forall oranypart of thetranscriptnecessarily obtainedfor use inthe caseFeesand disbursements for printing Feesfor witnesses Utemired On reverse sidel Feesfor exemplificationandcopiesofpapers necessarily obtainedfor use in case Costs incidentto taking depoaitio". CostsasshownOn Mandate ofCourtof AppealsOrhe,Costs(pleoseitemiu) .----Total.---- I. dohereby awear thattheforegoing costsarecorrect andwere necessarilyincutt'ed inthisactionandthatthe services for which feeahave been chargedwereactually and neceesartly performed. Acopy hereofWllllthia daymailed to with postage fullyprepaid thereon.Attorneyfor Subscribed andsworn to beforemethisdayofA.D.20 Nota,.,Pl.blk Costs lite hereby taxed inthe amount of $this dayof20, and thatamountisincludedinthejudgment. B,----;;::=cm===---Clerlt.} NOTE:SEEREVERSESIDEFORAUTIIORITIESONTAXINGCOSTS.9-1495-1 wd-314Form CV(6)-654/Nov. 88 American LegalNet, Inc. WitnessFees.- .,""- . . R, .. ,- T.... c.oo--- TOTALNOTICE Vedfication ofbillofecets. BefOTeanybiD of costsistaxed.thepartyclaiminganyitem of coat or disbursementshallattachthereto anaffidavit,made by himself orby hisduly authorizedattorney or agenthavingknowledge ofthe facta.thatsuch item iscorrect and haabeennecesaarilyin<:urredin the caseand that theaerovice! for whichfeea have beenchargedwereactuallyandnecessarilyperformed. A biU of coatsshall be med In thecue and uponallowance, includedin thejudgment Or decree. SuperiorCourtof theDistrict of Columbia Ruleaof CivilProcedUl'<lcontain thefollowing provisio.... Rule 54{dl-"EJ:c:ept when expreuprovisiontheceforis madeeitherina statute of the United Stal.ea or intheseroles,costsshall beallowed as of course tothe pcevailingpartyunless the courtotherwisedirects: but costagainst the UnitedStates.itsofficers, and agenciesshall beImposedonly tothe&:1;'tent permittedbylaw. Costs may betoed bytheclerkonOlle day's notice.Onmotion servedwithin 6days thereafter.the actionoftheclerk maybe reviewedby thecourt." Rule6(el-"Whenevera partyhastheright or isrequiredto do &Orne actortake someproceedingswithin a prescribedperiod afterthe service ofa notice Orotherpaperuponhimandthenotice or paper isserved. uponhimbymail,3 daysshallbe addedtothe pre.scribed period."Rule58lin Part)-"The entryofthe judgmentshallnotbe delayedforthe taxing of costs."Seealso:Rules242671.36(&), 4Ud), -;13m.6H(b), 54267II, 6z.I. 70.71AU).7726711(10).and appropriate rulesoftheDistrictofColumbiaCourtof Appeals. American LegalNet, Inc.