Last updated: 6/26/2023
Small Claims Information And Complaint Form
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SMALL CLAIMS FORM INSTRUCTIONS 1.Small Claims may be filed for money only.2.The following actions be filed in small claims court:libel, slander, replevin, malicious prosecution, abuse of process; or as assigneeor agent except for recovery of taxes by a political subdivision; or actions forthe recover of punitive or exemplary damages.3.If you are filing a complaint you are the plaintiff.Enter the date on the appropriate line.Enter your information under plaintiff.Enter additional plaintiff.If more than three (3) attach a separate page.4.The person or company you are suing is the defendant.Enter all information for each defendant.Indicate the military status of each defendant.If more than three (3) attach a separate page.5.State your claim in clear, concise, nontechnical terms.State the dollar amount of your claim.State the interest rate and date of interest.6. a.You may personally deliver it to the Clerk of Court222s Office .(DO NOT SIGN IT IN ADVANCE)b.You may mail it after having it notarized by a Notary Publicor other person authorized to administer oaths.7.Mail or deliver your complaint with the required filing fee to:Office of: Eric J. RothgeryClerk of Elyria Municipal Court601 Broad StreetElyria, OH 44035Filing fee: One defendant $$ 6.00 each Additional defendants8.Your hearing will be scheduled not sooner than fifteen (15) days nor more than forty-five(45) days from the date of filing of your complaint. You will be notified of your hearingdate. All small claims hearings are held on the second floor of the Municipal Court locatedat 601 Broad Street, Elyria, Ohio 44035.Serving the Cities of Elyria and North Ridgeville - Villages of Grafton and Lagrange - Townships of Carlisle, Columbia, Eaton,Elyria, Grafton and Lagrange American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com ELYRIA MUNICIPAL COURT - SMALL CLAIMS INFORMATION AND COMPLAINT FORM Deliver or Mail to: Clerk of Elyria Municipal Court Filing Fee: One Defendant $ Additional Defendants: 6.00 ea Civil Division (Fee must accompany filing)601 Broad StreetElyria, OH 44035Case Number: Date: (Assigned by the Clerk222s Office)Identify any Defendants presently in the Military Service of the United StatesPlaintiff (1) Address City, State, Zip Telephone No. Defendant (1) Address City, State, Zip Telephone No. Military Service YesNoPlaintiff (2) Address City, State, Zip Telephone No. Defendant (2) Address City, State, Zip Telephone No. Military Service YesNoPlaintiff (3) Address City, State, Zip Telephone No. Defendant (3) Address City, State, Zip Telephone No. Military Service YesNoCOMPLAINTState your claim in clear, concise, non-technical terms (use additional paper if needed)AMOUNT OF CLAIM: $, with interest at the rate of % from plus court costs. (Cannot exceed $,000.00) The above complaint is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signature of plaintiff or plaintiff222s attorney)Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of , 20. REV./1 (Clerk, Deputy Clerk, Notary Public, Attorney-at-Law) American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com